Eres Chaco – Learn to recognize and prevent the flu

Outbreaks most commonly occur throughout the winter and early spring.The chance of contracting the disease ranges from 5% to 20%, depending on viral malignancy Circulates where a person lives.There are dozens virus strain What causes influenza.All considered Very contagious Because they are constantly mutating. This means that even if you develop antibodies to the flu, your body will be affected if you get infected. immune system Does not recognize or fight new strains.

What are the symptoms of influenza?

this incubation It lasts 1 to 3 days and the onset is sudden; they show themselves Chills, fever, and malaise All over the body. High-risk patients (elderly people, children, people with unhealthy diets and diabetes) low defense or people with chronic illnesses) that may lead to serious complications, e.g. Bronchitis, pneumonia, or exacerbation of a chronic disease Already present, such as asthma.

How is the flu treated?

The main treatments to fight the flu are Rest and plenty of fluids.In some cases, they are often prescribed drug In order to achieve the purpose of shortening the course of the disease. Recovery usually occurs within 3 to 10 days.

When should you consult a doctor?

If you ask sudden fever If you have symptoms such as chills, cough, headache, burning throat, muscle pain, fatigue, nasal congestion and sneezing, please make an appointment to see a doctor.

How to prevent the flu?

1. Get vaccinated

this goflu crib It protects 70 to 90 percent of people from the airborne virus. It won’t prevent it in all cases, but it’s worth applying, preferably every fall.

There are some factors that can Affects vaccine effectiveness:

• pressure.break nervous The beneficial effect of the vaccine is likely to be reduced by as much as 17% 8 to 10 days after vaccination.

• fever.If you have Fever or low-grade fever, change the shift. Fever is a sign that your immune system is already fighting the infection.

lack of sleep.A good night’s sleep is important before vaccination. This will help increase antibody production by up to 50%.

2. Wash your hands frequently

Blend vigorously for about 30 seconds Completely destroy all bacteria.he flu virus survive for hours hard surface Examples include metal, glass and plastic (surfaces we inevitably touch), so the best way to prevent infection is to keep your hands clean.Make sure your source of hygiene isn’t always cleansing wipes or antibacterial gel, as microorganisms can accumulate on your hands when using these methods, preferably running water and soap. This isn’t necessarily antibacterial, as it doesn’t actually kill viruses.

3. Use disinfectants

this The virus is highly resistant And difficult to eliminate; if the concentration is not enough, even some alcohol-based hand sanitizers cannot kill them.Buy gel or foam disinfectants that contain 60% to 95% ethanol. Apply to the entire surface of your hands until completely dry.

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