EU approves vaccine to stop looming pandemic

Facing the post-pandemic scenario posed by the coronavirus, the world remains alert to possible new pandemic threats. In this context, attention is focused on influenza viruses, especially avian influenza, which is currently experiencing its most severe outbreak since 2021, severely affecting poultry populations and emerging infections in mammals, causing concern for society Worry. Pace advanced.The possibility is The virus mutates and adapts to infect humans Experts such as Daniel López Acua said the virus has raised alarms around the world as a potential source of future pandemics and stressed the importance of not underestimating the threat.

In response to this potentially dangerous situation, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved two pre-pandemic avian influenza vaccines, marking a milestone in preparations for possible future health crises. These can be rapidly deployed in the event of an outbreak and are a proactive strategy to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. Ral Ortiz de Lejarazu, honorary director of the National Influenza Center in Valladolid, noted that the approval of these vaccines is a major advance that allows for an immediate response to the coronavirus pandemic The virus’s response was in stark contrast.

Based on 2005 strain

The Celldemic vaccine, one of the approved vaccines, is based on a strain of avian influenza that affected turkeys in 2005 and has been shown to be effective against the current virus, producing a strong immune response.This vaccine, along with Incellipan (the second formulation approved for use in the event of a formal declaration of a pandemic), represent significant technological advances because they Produced by cell culture Replacing traditional egg farming methods, there are significant improvements in speed and production capacity.

Innovations in vaccine production, such as the transition to cell culture, address many of the logistical and technical challenges associated with vaccine production, Improving pandemic response capabilities.This change in approach not only facilitates large-scale production of doses; Avoid problems related to supply logistics and adaptive mutations that can reduce vaccine effectiveness. Experts such as Fernando Moraga-Lop of the Spanish Vaccine Association said the progress represents a paradigm change in vaccine production.

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