Euphoria 3 Creator Advances: “Film Noir”

Sam Levinson, the show’s creator, has revealed some details (albeit general ones) about the show’s third season. Euphoriapostponed to 2026. Meanwhile, Zendaya has expressed some doubts about her future on the show.

Will have to patiently wait for the third season. Euphoria, which was delayed due to a double strike by writers and actors. And just wait for the creator of the series to fight Sam Levinson (recently returned thanks to Idol) revealed a few more details about the plot of the next episodes.

Euphoria. Credits: HBO – VelvetMag

Thanks to Euphoria, Zendaya won her first Emmy Award, the first time she won the Best Actress Under 25 category. What’s more, Ryu’s character is extremely perverted, and dissatisfied, the actress entered the encore, winning a total of two Emmy awards, winning in the same category. Ryu is a teenager struggling with the loss of his father due to drug addiction. Throughout the series, she tries to fight with herself, but temptation haunts her, and going straight is not easy.

Euphoriathe show’s creator gives brief previews of the third season:It will be like film noir

Interviewed Elle Before the actors’ strike, the director revealed a few more details about Euphoria’s third season being rescheduled for 2026. Creator, director and writer of the series Levinson called the third chapter rather “film noir“. And this is through Ruta”explores what it’s like to be a man of principle in a corrupt world“. The director did not disclose any other details about what happened. plot new season, given that there is still a little time before the green light for filming. However, the premise seems to indicate more drama.

Euphoria. Credits: HBO – VelvetMag

The television series recently suffered a major loss. Angus Cloudactor who played two seasons Fescopassed away suddenly at the age of 25, and we still don’t know how the show will deal with his absence. Zendayafor my part, to the microphones IndieWire he elaborated: “As for my character, I would like to discover something new that motivates me to keep going forward. As I get older, I realize that I won’t be able to play a teenager for the rest of my life.“. From these statements, it is easy to conclude that the third season may be the last for Euphoria. At the moment, this is not an official message, but only speculation.

As for Zendaya, during an interview with Elle Sam Levinson said: “This the most competitive person I know, but in a good way. He is always developing as an artist, always trying to prove himself. He is never satisfied.” As of today of the third season, we know, for example, that barbie ferreira will not come back. The actress left the series after the second season, without revealing details about the reasons. Other actors who may return include Maud Apatow who plays Lexi, Sydney Sweeney who plays cassie Alexa Demi who plays Maddie and Jacob Elordi who plays Nate. In any case, their presence must be officially confirmed by HBO.

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