Europe will not buy flu vaccines for countries

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

of the strategy EU vaccine centralized procurement Will not affect fall activities Seasonal influenza. Brussels has ruled out resorting to Bureau of Health Emergency Preparedness and Response (HERA, by its English abbreviation) distributes doses among all member states.The pledge, launched as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, is said to form part of the community group’s character and will not reflect Another respiratory virus par excellence.

origin of European Commission Already sent to medical writing That actually “No plan” Deployment of centralized procurement will result in Spain continuing its current approach of finding vaccine suppliers on its own.Spain’s last public competition to organize the event was given 277 million euros It also allows for obtaining inactivated vaccines of different formulations from viruses grown in embryonated eggs, isolated viruses or surface antigens (H and N).

Public procurement agency awards contracts to several pharmaceutical companies September 2021 and set a deadline Lasts two years, which opens the door to a different scheme starting in 2023, such as centralized procurement through the EU.Anyway, the document specifies the method Extend bidding time every year At least for the next two years.

this public health committee A repeat flu campaign has been confirmed for this autumn, alongside an increase in Covid-19 vaccinations for the most vulnerable.this Over 60 years old, nursing home residents, people with pre-existing medical conditions considered risky, pregnant or people who live with someone who has high blood pressure degree of immunosuppression Be asked to attend events in the coming months. The number of smokers has also increased this year and professionals in health centers such as pharmacies.

European vaccine centralized procurement

Centralized vaccine purchases have become a hallmark of the EU because they were made necessary amid the pandemic. Covid-19 pandemic. Through this route, doses from all Big Pharma have been distributed throughout the health crisis.One of the latest acquisitions is Spain’s Hipra vaccine has distributed 250 million dosesbetween different community states.

The European Commission is also using this strategy through HERA to ensure that all member states have vaccines to prevent The threat of monkeypox (monkeypox).Brussels took over more than 170,000 doses of Bavarian Nordic Preparation, based on the population distribution of each country.arrive Spain Initially, nearly 17,000 people were allocated.

The information published in Medical Writing contains statements, data and statements from official agencies and health professionals. However, if you have any questions regarding your health, please consult the appropriate health professional.

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