Everyone in Euskadi can now make an appointment for a flu shot

Everyone in Euskadi can now make an appointment for a flu shotEP

Osakidza started a flu vaccination campaign among the general population on Monday. after beginning to pass October 9 for those over 60so everyone can request an appointment starting today.

You can make an appointment by calling the User Service toll-free number 900 20 30 50, through the Osakidetza website or by calling the health center. Vaccinations will begin on November 6 at the Basqueti Health Center.

under the motto “Prevention is better than cure, get vaccinated” The campaign aims to reinforce the idea that vaccination is the most effective tool for achieving immunity and fighting disease.

A total of 449,739 vaccine doses have been administered since Osakidetza began its campaign on October 9 targeting people over 60 and high-risk groups. Of these, 249,265 people have received a flu vaccine and 200,474 have received a Covid-19 vaccine.

So far, 185,011 people have chosen to receive both the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine, or 74.2% of people have received the vaccine at the same time.

Regarding citations, The total number of reservations reached 316,736, including 90,378 for seniors aged 80 and above and 6,159 for children under 5 years old.

As last year, Osakidetza made vaccines against influenza and COVID-19 available to the population and began offering vaccines to groups most at risk of complications and those over 60 years old.At the same time, we also carried out Vaccination in the health and social care sectors.

In addition, Osakidetza has partnered with Osalan for the third consecutive year to offer companies and institutions the opportunity to vaccinate their employees through its preventive services.

If you have any questions about vaccinations, The CAU (Customer Service Center) telephone number has been established to answer questions that citizens may have: 900 20 30 50.

Likewise, the Ministry of Health and Osakidza have prepared some Frequently Asked Questions to address the concerns of the public. They are available at: https://www.osakidetza.euskadi.eus/vacunacion-antigripal/.

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