Everything you need to know about Byron Belle’s upcoming audio masterclass

A sonic revolution is brewing in the heart of the African live performance market, led by Byron Belle. Byron is an American audio expert with Kenyan roots and a distinguished career spanning over 15 years. He has worked with global superstars such as Chris Brown, Eve and Gladys Knight, and his reputation precedes him in the world of live performances and events. Now he is channeling his passion and experience into an ambitious endeavor: a four-day masterclass aimed at revolutionizing the audio industry in Kenya and beyond.

Byron Belle will teach a master class at Parklands Baptist Church from October 18 to 21. Dubbed the Advanced Audio Masterclass, this masterclass promises to be a game changer. He will be flanked by four other industry experts: Chris Pow, systems and façade engineer; Shannon Austin, speaker and sound designer; Brandon Thompson, systems integrator and IT specialist; and Shelton Morgan, house of worship and live event engineer. Together they form a formidable team with a wealth of collective experience having toured with A-list artists.

The purpose of the master class is clear: to strengthen fundamental knowledge in the field of sound engineering. Participants will experience in-depth sessions covering front-end and monitor audio engineering, systems engineering and wireless technologies, advanced mixing and lighting integration, and broadcast and streaming engineering. Byron Belle’s vision is simple but profound: to improve the sound quality of live events by developing highly skilled audio professionals.

Recently, Kenya has faced problems in the field of live sound recording, which has led to dissatisfaction among visitors. Byron Belle notes a shift in the dynamics of the industry, noting: “Many businessmen operating in this industry… do not know what they are doing, undermining professionalism and reducing the quality of live performances in Kenya.” He says.

Inclusive learning opportunity

Although the masterclass goes deep into audio technology, it is not just for audio professionals. “The class will be heavily audio-based. However, we are not targeting audio engineers strictly, so all camera operators, video engineers and lighting engineers are welcome.” Byron Belle enthusiastically invites all manufacturing professionals interested in advanced training. Interested participants can pay for a day, season or group pass through Mukh.

Byron Belle’s ambitions extend far beyond Kenya. He sees this workshop as a catalyst for change across Africa. “To get this level of training you have to study abroad, so we’re excited to bring that education home.” He shares. With plans for expansion and collaboration with partners and sponsors, the team aims to spread its expertise and raise audio standards across the continent.

As technology advances, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into live production is becoming a topic of great interest. “We haven’t seen artificial intelligence in live broadcasting very often, but it has its benefits, such as automating system processes, so we’re looking forward to seeing how AI technology will make our jobs easier.” He concludes.

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