Ex-wife Caniggia about a former football player: “Rapist and beater”

Blizzard up Claudio Caniggia. In the Argentine program Society of Spectators the sound was broadcast ex-wife Mariana Nannis in which the former football player is accused of being an aggressive and violent person. This is nothing new, given that four years ago a woman accused her ex-husband of sexual assault, aggravated injuries and a non-consensual abortion. After breakup in 2019 the two began a long and bitter legal battle that continues to this day. Recently, the athlete decided to change his lawyer, which caused the wrath of Mariana.

Serious words of the ex-wife about Kanidzha

“How can he change his lawyer? How will he cope without Burlando (Canigi’s former lawyer, ed.)? If he’s not in prison, it’s only because Fernando protected him. Now they’ll roast him, he’ll definitely go to jail»Mariana stated this in an audio broadcast on Argentine television. Nannis spared no negative words when describing Canidgia, defining her “aggressive”, “idiot”, “rapist”, and “rapist”. Together for thirty years, Mariana and Claudio had three adult children: Charlotte, Kevin, Alex.

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