Experts predict flu rates will remain high in Malaga and urge us to “learn lessons from COVID-19”

Public health experts predict Influenza incidence (new cases) will remain high in the coming weeks.But they insist No need to be afraid, but take action.because they remember There are effective tools to prevent itas proved Lessons from the pandemic: Vaccinations, masks, hand washing and If you have symptoms of infection, do not come into contact with susceptible people Contains some respiratory viruses. In short, apply what you’ve learned during the coronavirus crisis.

“suggestion risk group The first is vaccination.for those they don’t belong to these groups“The advice is if you have a cold, don’t visit newborns, people in hospital or people who are undergoing chemotherapy,” for example. Preventive Medicine Specialist, Blanca O’Donnell Clinical Hospital.

The flu is spreading more and more intensely in recent weeks than last season.According to epidemiologists falls within the scope of the plan. “It is normal to see an increase in the spread of influenza compared to the 2022-2023 season,” O’Donnell said.

Public health experts explain why. first This fall and winter, compared to the previous season, barriers that were in place at the time, such as masks, have been removed to provide a firewall against COVID-19 and, as a side effect, they also prevent the spread of other respiratory infections (ARIs). Now, without masks in crowds and on public transportation, the virus spreads more easily and infection rates rise. Ranked seconddue to reduced exposure to these viruses due to mask wearing and reduced social contact due to the pandemic, these pathogens are infecting people with reduced natural immunity this season.

But O’Donnell called for “peaceful”.Because it insists that in the face of the most influential respiratory infections, e.g. Influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Covid“There are prevention tools.” Remember, these three IRA “They spread in similar ways and prevent in similar ways“: Wear masks, hand hygiene and reduce social contact.” But he also insisted that in the face of these three diseases There is a vaccine (when the body mounts a defense) in the case of influenza and coronavirus or monoclonal antibodies (when produced in the laboratory and vaccinated) against RSV, the leading cause of bronchiolitis.

According to doctors, currently, Influenza is the acute respiratory infection causing the most hospitalizations. Patients’ conditions vary depending on their age. Hospital admissions for influenza and COVID-19 are more common among older adults, while admissions for RSV are more common among young children. “but The severity of admissions is not serious Than in other seasons,” he clarified. A greater spread of influenza is foreseeable for the reasons mentioned above.

This also affects the fact that there is now epidemiological surveillance system It will be more perfect after the epidemic. Before the coronavirus outbreak, its focus was on influenza. Since the outbreak of the health crisis in 2020, other respiratory infections such as RSV and Covid have also been monitored.As a complement, healthcare in Andalusia also features Granada Virgen de Las Nieves Laboratory Samples are analyzed for prevalent strains and variants of each respiratory infection.

“For us, this is a very useful tool Because it allows us to understand what’s going on in real time, understand the viruses that are spreading and make public health decisions, highlighting the experts. That is why he added, to reassure the population: “We have a better surveillance system, there is a reference laboratory in Granada and the hospitals are ready.”

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