Experts recommend immunotherapy and vaccines to fight rhinitis and sinusitis – El Nuevo Diario (Dominican Republic)

Santo Domingo – Minerva Espinal, an otolaryngologist, recommended this Thursday immunotherapy and vaccines to combat rhinitis and sinusitis, as part of the latest advances in medical science .

If it’s a common cold or sinusitis, wait 15 days, and if it’s very severe, take some kind of allergy nasal flu medication, a nasal decongestant, or antibiotics if it continues to get worse, Espinal said. .

The expert spoke about this topic in an interview with experts Pablo de la Mota, Lorenzo Brea, Elías Grullón and Rafael Pérez in the program “Hablando de Salud” broadcast on the digital platform El Nuevo Diario TV.

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In this sense, taking advantage of the seasonal changes and sudden changes in temperature that we experience, he believes it is necessary to differentiate between rhinitis and sinusitis.

Rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa, while sinusitis is inflammation and infection of the paranasal sinuses, he said.

“Patients come to the clinic every day diagnosed with sinusitis, but later determined to have rhinitis because rhinitis is the most common condition,” he said.

He added that sinusitis can be caused by allergies or bacteria; it is classified as acute, chronic and subacute based on duration and similarity of symptoms.

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