Experts reveal when flu will peak

IAs far as the health situation in Spain is concerned, the Christmas holidays have wreaked havoc. Actually, Family gatherings and events on these dates lead to an exponential increase in the incidence of influenza syndrome.l Between December and January. Furthermore, the Ministry of Health is very concerned about this situation and has decided to reintroduce the use of masks in hospitals and health centers.

Now, in the wake of this winter flu epidemic, many are wondering when the peak will be.and the answer has been given Vicente Soriano, infectious disease specialist. In a statement to the EFE agency, the expert said that the flu began to spread on December 15 and would reach its peak next Monday (January 15).

Still a ‘complicated week’, experts say

Vicente Soriano, Professor and Vice-Dean for Research at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), wants to make it clear: The high number of infections is due to the decrease in the number of people circulating due to the epidemic in recent years. Therefore, there is little remaining immunity in the population. He added: “Beyond that, there’s a slightly strange effect, which is that we may all become less afraid of contagion because of what COVID-19 means.”

However, the virus did not mutate: “This influenza A virus is not special and has not mutated.”. Of course, he also clarified that there is still a “complicated week.”

Vicente Soriano too Explain that vaccination is a very effective tool in the fight against influenza: “Winter colds can be combated with influenza vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine and respiratory syncytial virus vaccine. In addition, the incidence of bronchiolitis in infants this winter has also dropped significantly with the use of infant vaccines.”

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