Explosion of the submarine Titan, James Cameron: “Remember the tragedy of the Titanic”

The Canadian director is the author of a film with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet about the disaster of an ocean liner in 1912. and a big fan of diving expeditions

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After several days of searching, the wreck of the OceanGate submarine, missing since Sunday, was found right next to the wreck of the Titanic. “I was struck by the similarity to the Titanic disaster, when the captain was repeatedly warned of the presence of ice ahead of his ship, but he rushed at full speed into the icy surface on a moonless night, killing many people.” This was stated in an interview with ABC News by Canadian director James Cameron, the author of a film with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet about the 1912 ocean liner disaster.

Cameron: The submarine was exactly where it should have been.

“That such a tragedy, when warnings went unheeded, happened in the same place, when the whole world is diving, I think it is simply amazing,” added James Cameron, an avid expedition dive enthusiast. In 2012, he was the first to dive solo into the deepest part of the ocean in a submersible designed and built by himself. “Four days of searching, they searched everywhere. They went in constant combat readiness, and the submarine was exactly where she needed to be. On the sea floor is literally below its last known position,” James Cameron said in another interview.

Explosion of the submarine Titan, James Cameron: “Remember the tragedy of the Titanic”


Titanium, the US Navy immediately detected the implosion.

Cameron: I knew one of the passengers on the missing submarine

Cameron knew one of the passengers on the missing submersible, French ocean explorer Paul-Henri “PH” Nargolet. “I have known him for 25 years. That he died so tragically is almost impossible for me to comprehend,” Cameron told ABC News. “Sometimes people become victims of the gold rush. We also welcome innovation, but you cannot use an experimental car to pay passengers who are not deep sea engineers themselves,” Cameron said in an interview with the media.

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