Fabio De Luigi lands on Instagram: the first published picture is hilarious

With a profile bio that reads “My son says Instagram is the right thing to do,” the great comedian has taken to social media, and he’s done it in the funniest way possible.

Fabio De Luigi lands on social media: the comedian, who has so far been absent from the platform, has decided open instagram account. “My son says doing Instagram is the right thing to do,” reads the bio that accompanies the profile. But not only that, Fabio De Luigi also decided to post the first hilarious selfie in which he immortalized himself in a blonde wig: “Not showing off, but I’ve been Ken since 2017.” No way: even Fabio De Luigi was taken by the Barbie mania!

Fabio De Luigi also conquers social media

Fabio De Luigi, born in 1967 one of my favorite comedians Italian cinema scene. The actor, having achieved fame thanks to his participation in Zelig, became the face of a long series of comedy programs and sitcoms, including the successful love bugs, in which he first co-starred with Michelle Hunziker and later with Elisabetta Canalis. Then the cinema was waiting for him: yes Christmas in New York AND Christmas in Rio Neri Parenti, Friends of the bar Margarita Pupi Avati Fino a happy family Gabriele Salvatores e Males versus females Fausto Brizzi, it is impossible to list all the films in which Fabio De Luigi took part. In addition, on the big screen, the actor from Romagna not only showed his hilarious comedy, but also his acting skills in dramatic roles: just remember his interpretation of the social worker Beppe Trekchi in the film. How God Commands Gabriel Salvatores. If, in his long theatrical, television and film career, Fabio De Luigi had therefore made thousands of Italians laugh and thrill, there was only one field left to explore: the world of social media.

Fabio De Luigi lands on Instagram: the first published picture is hilarious


Stories “Fabio De Luigi – There is sympathy”. VIDEO

Fabio De Luigi’s first shot

There are many celebrities who are addicted to Barbie mania, the new summer 2023 fashion that is dominated by pink hues already Greta Gerwig’s famous film starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling. In honor of Selena Gomez, who organized the themed show Barbie for his 31st birthdayor John Legend and Chrissy TeigenFabio De Luigi, who spent the holiday dressed as Barbie and Ken, also wanted to ride the trend of the moment, but apparently in a completely new and self-deprecating way. In fact, the great comedian got on Instagram, and did it in the most amusing way: in the first published photo, he is smiling in the foreground in a voluminous blonde wig. “Not bragging, but I’ve been Ken since 2017.“, – wrote de Luigi. The reaction of the fans was clearly not long in coming: “From today Instagram has become better”, “I have been waiting for this day for many years” or “You have finally arrived” are just some of the hundreds of comments that rained down on his profile.


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