Fanfare first, then original works: common paths for different authors

There are times when you wish the author had made a different decision to take the story forward, and there are those who decide to see how the story could have been continued by writing a sequel. However, there are times when readers want to explore a character or situation more and want to write new chapters. These are some of the reasons that lead fans of a series to create their own derivative works, consisting of characters and stories created by the same author, though narrated differently, often placing them in different worlds. Also installed in This is fanfiction, written by fans for fans, shared on public sites, not sold. Some writers are like george rr martin, most of which prohibit the writing of fanfiction on their own works, leaving fans free to create even if they do not read them to avoid the risk of plagiarism. Sites like, AO3 or the Italian Efp are well-known places where authors usually share their work using tags or categories to ensure that other fans who want to explore those possibilities can easily find them. You can find, read and comment on them.

Fanfare, some go into the original novels. Searched by an agent of Fuzzy Editor Virginia Day WinterSo the author recalls, on EFP with the nickname Savannah, the girl wrote fanfiction. harry potterHypothesizing that Draco and Hermione had fallen in love, and the agent caught on to her writing style, asking her if she had anything original to publish: in 2010 she came out order of the swordfirst part of the series black friar, She Wasn’t the Only One to Write Dramany Fanfiction and Novels Dark Academia: English olive blake Has published derivative works on AO3 under the name olivieblake, but has also written several original stories such as atlas six (Sperling & Kupfer, 2022).

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There are also cases where the fan-fiction itself becomes the original work. Created storylines have such a different setting that renaming them is enough to make them new stories, as was the case with fifty shades of gray of (mondadori) el jamesthat started as a fanfiction twilight Of Stephenie MeyerOr Afterwards (by Sperling & Kupfer) Anna Toddwhich originated as a fanfic about One Direction singer Harry Styles. Love concept. theorem of love (Sperling & Kupfer, 2022) by Ali Hazlewood was born as fanfiction on the most recent trilogy of star wars and Reylo couple: there is a resemblance between the actors and characters on the cover and the romantic interest, Adam, has the same name as Kylo Ren’s interpreter, Adam Douglas Driver. They are titles of various styles and genres, which become attractive to authors only after they become original works.

this was not the case with demetrius polychron who put the sequel up for sale Lord of the Rings written by him and is suing Amazon and the Tolkien estate for $250 million, alleging events in the TV series rings of power was copied from his book King’s Fellowship, On 1 June, the Tolkien Estate, the legal body that owns and administers the British author’s intellectual property J.R.R. TolkienThey were sued for publishing a book based on Tolkien’s works without permission.

Fanfiction doesn’t just work on the books that exist, those who are good with pencil and brush create fanart, that is, drawings of characters and situations by other authors. Often diehard artists agree with the author to be able to put them on sale and it is not uncommon to find those works in boxes on books that arrive at readers’ homes with books and gadgets on the chosen theme for the month. Nobody makes them. However, in 2018, a company let its buyers find, inside a box, a fanfiction booklet about the characters the box was dedicated to. Fans were not enthusiastic about the idea and criticized it.

That initiative was rejected by the public, but good for fan fiction readers and writers. They provide fans with the opportunity to find stories that reflect their tastes and discover new aspects of original storylines. For authors, they are an opportunity to build audience loyalty: if readers appreciate their style in a fan fiction, they may also appreciate it on original material and, therefore, authors will be able to publish new works. Those who know they already have one after all will support them.

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