Fatima Flores’ Attitude Not Featured in Mirtha Legrand’s Return to TV

Mirtha Legrand This Saturday, the 55th season of the show begins on television; Thirteenwho has as guest Fatima Flores and Javier Millay.

An interview with a person from the driver’s inner circle TN show and disclose Exclusive information about content not seen on the broadcast And how the return of “La Chiqui” is experienced in the studio.

Also read: Mirtha Legrand returns: one of the people who knew her best tells the secrets of “La Chiqui”

“The whole family is cheering for her: Marcela (Tinayre), Juana (Viale), Ámbar (De Benedictis) and Nacho (Viale) enter and exit the control center. Among his friends were Héctor Vidal Rivas, who served as his sartorial consultant, Alejandro Veroutis and Amalia Idoya Amalia Idoyaga Molina is his lifelong friend,” the source commented.

Mirtha Legrand arrives to tape her first show of 2023 (Photo: Movilpress)

Mirtha Legrand arrives to tape her first show of 2023 (Photo: Movilpress)

Speaking about the development of the first program, he said: “The man who looked nervous went to Fatima. She looked like another woman.he has no sense of humor. I knew exactly what I was going to say, but I didn’t. she looks nervous“.

On the other hand, he highlighted the return of Legrand: “Mirtha She is very relaxed. The recording was done in one go.Not cut out at any time“.

Arrival and departure of Fátima Florez and Javier Milei

“Fatima was the first to arrive in a van arranged by the channel. It was around six o’clock on Friday afternoon. Then “Chiquita” The last one to arrive was Milei”, they confided from the driver’s environment.

Fátima Florez and Javier Milei's kiss on tape "Mirtha Night".  (Photo: Movilpress)

Fátima Florez and Javier Milei share a chaste kiss during the recording of “La Noche de Mirtha”. (Photo: Movilpress)

At the same time, they say imitators and economists part ways. He left without making any statement., while she addressed the media present. Then they would meet for dinner.

what the night looks like

according to them TN showMirtha Legrand She wore a dress by designer Claudio Cosano.Fatima brought A black dress and a white dress, both of which she bought in Los Angeles, USA.Libertarian Party presidential candidate advances He’s wearing a Rochas suit.

Javier Milei and Fátima Florez kept their word and dined with Mirtha Legrand after her return to television.  (Photo: Movilpress)

Javier Milei and Fátima Florez kept their word and dined with Mirtha Legrand after her return to television. (Photo: Movilpress)

Celebrations after the show

The celebrations for his return to television didn’t come immediately after the show ended; Just this Sunday, in their classic teawhere you will share relaxing moments with family and friends.

The reason she didn’t celebrate after the recording was because, as she said, she was transitioning from a very severe bronchitisand He would rather protect himself to this daycomplete the recovery.

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