Fertina Greece Savas Gemisini Fordo! Fotoğraflar Selanik’ten

You can’t find anything to do with your family. Soğuk hava dalgası tıpkı Türkiye gibi Yunanistan’a da yağmur and kar getirdi.

High-quality television programs were broadcast in Greece-Kozi Macedonia, where the thermometer was marketed as 9.6°C.

You will not be able to do anything you want to know. Rozgaren is approximately 80 kilometers away, just 80 kilometers from Atena and Limani Nemeli, resulting in snowfall across the country.

Yunnanistan is located in the famous Selanik district of Limana Bagli Tarihi Pir Savas Gemezi Sidi Sekeldi Hazar Gordu. In the Kathimerini newspaper, the philos were sealed in the upper part of the house, completely destroying it.

Uluslararasi had joined the AFP, Alpilar Kontassi was born 1967-1974, and died in the service of Velos.

This product was later found by AFP, and Velos’un Geçtiğimiz Mart took refuge in this place where absolutely nothing was left.

This is a question, since 2019’dan bu yana Selanik’teki Yeni Plaj’da demirli olan 80 yaşındaki Geminin bir felaketle yüz yüze olduğunu söylüyor.

“Ok” was declared by Turkey in 1973 through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) joining Italy, which exacerbated this problem in Europe.

In 1942, the ABD was launched aboard the USS Charrette from the ship Savas, as the Dunya Savas invaded the Pacific Oceanoso. 1958’de Greekistan Naklideldi. 1991 You will be happy again, so you will be happy to have a good time. If you ask me to ask you, I will send you a message or Geminin Atina yakınlarına taşınmasını istiyordu.

(Tags for translation)Greece

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