Fight the cold with elderberry infusion

this cold They are often accompanied by a runny nose, mild body aches, nasal congestion, and pain throat.Although in most cases, the common cold does not cause serious complications healthy, it can cause a nuisance to anyone’s body.That’s why, to make a cold more bearable, if you have a cold, drink an infusion elder This will help you fight him.

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Photo: Manfred Richter/Pixabay

he elder It is a plant up to 10 meters long that produces abundant inflorescences, berries and branches that are beneficial to health.according to Institute of Ecology (INECOL) In Mexico, elderberries have high anti-inflammatory levels and high levels of vitamin C.Elderberry has been scientifically proven to be ideal for the following issues cold Common and influenza.

Due to its antiviral properties and Anti-inflammatory (drug)When eaten correctly, elderberries can reduce cold symptoms.This is primarily by reducing mucosal inflammation nosewhich is what causes congestion, thereby reducing the need to sneeze and itch nasal.

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Research from the University of Sydney in Australia shows that elderberries can block influenza Penetrating into the cells of our bodies spreads and perpetuates disease. Therefore, it is a great ally in the war of resistance. symptom Even prevent infection.

Not satisfied with this, according to Inekolelderberry can treat the following conditions fever, cough, bronchitis, hoarseness, asthma, cold or flu, and tonsillitis. In addition to helping with digestive problems (such as stomach aches and liver pain) or skin problems (such as dandruff, rashes, hair loss, hives, scabies, and burns).

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There are many ways to take this powerful herb, one of which is best for treating cold symptoms is infusion.To do this we must take a few grams of elderflowers, they can be dried or fresh, place them boil Pour in a cup of water, cover and let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes.Even if it’s warm, you can use it to sweeten it Honey Apply heat twice a day until you feel better.

Another way to take advantage elder are eating their berry Fresh, but don’t overdo it as it can cause intestinal problems. You can also find elderberry concentrate syrup or tablets in stores. nudist.

Please remember that although you are Considerations They have a role to play and ignoring attention is never a good thing medical Professional, will have the best treatment to improve your healthy.

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