“Filistin ıçin Tek Yürek” Zirvesi… Emine Erdogan: The ideology of…

In Israel, Shiredi gas Welcomes leaders from eşlerini harekete geçirdi. Emine Erdogan visited Istanbul after becoming Prime Minister. In order to do this, you must find the right amount of vegetables to grow in two places.

“Pir Ensan Haclari Elalin Donushtuh Dekat Chikiyuruz”

Amina Erdogan said, in press statements, “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is one of the leaders of Palestine and Arab leaders and has research theses in their world.” If you want to know what to do next, let’s go to the Tesisini bar, let’s take a look at the list below, we will tell you what to do next. Happy New Year on December 15, 2023 in Istanbul by Araya Geldik. Bizler, 7 Ekim 2023 Tarihinden bu yana yaşanan çatışmalar nedeniyle Işgal altındaki Filist in the topraklarında yaşanan trajediden dein biir endşe duyuyoruz. I’ve always been happy with my family and I don’t know how to do it. 7 There is a lot of people who have lost their lives and what they have done 11 years ago. ini vurguluyoruz. Adults of people suffering from drug addiction and viruses can have to cause serious damage, Coclarin, children and infants can save themselves at once from drug addiction and viruses ediyoruz” diye konuştu.

“Eki Deviltly Bear Gozum Deliyuruz”

Erdogan: “The Israeli Palestinians contributed to the invasion of Israel and cleansing it of the remnants of war. But despite this, the state contributed to their survival.” Gazze’de süren katliamları durdurmak için derhal ve topyekûn harekete geçilmesi, Gazze’de okul, Is a look at the thesis, many examples, Miltler’s thesis, the last, the last, the last, the last, the best part is true for the ateşkesin acilen tesisi ve Gazze’deki Civil service, yet the house is in the yard, the place is closed, the ground is closed and the whole house is closed, it is closed and the ground is closed For the first time, you can read the information in the same way as the information in the text. From Duhail olmak you will find the information you need to see eksiksiz olarak riayet etmesi çağrısını yapıyoruz. Her vicdan sahibi insanı bu küresel çağrımıza destek vermeye davet ediyorum” ifadelerini kullandı.

Hiabir Mesru is an ideological politician, Zolmo Kapsamaz

“Ideological thought, political thought is utility, economic intelligence, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence,” Emine Erdogan said. In the plan of uzak işletmek için çocukları adeta harcanacak bir yakıt gibi gören bu narsizmine insanlığın yenik düşürülmesini reddediyorum. . Please note that you will have to pay attention to the details.


Emine Erdogan, “Israel has exploded an atomic bomb in Israel, killed Sadako in Palestine, and is no longer able to do anything.” uğu kurtaramamanın ağırlığını taşıyan küresel vicdan, bugün Want Kindini to tell you what to expect? For the first time, it’s time for the first time. Want Kennedy to tell you what to expect?

Vicdanları sağır eden sessionizlikteki uluslararası topluma sormak istiyorum. 40 days ago, the person in the country did not know how to hang around, what is the reason behind the insanity of the people who want to save money? Charlie Hebdo’s photo of a young boy taking a photo or picture of himself taking care of his boy, such that the Gazili leader wants to know what he is doing? Do you know what you’re talking about? Bir canı diğerinden ayıran, kendisinden olmayan herkesi and her şeyi değersizleştiren bu karanlığa asla teslim olmayacağız” dedi.

Susturolmak estinenleren sesi ulmaya davit edorum

Emine Erdoğan, “Dili, religious, erke, renji ni ulsa olsun insani mirhamtl kocalayan, ozü itibariyle değerli gören bir küresel anlayışı savunacağız. Masumu, multiciyi, kadını ve çocuğu velhasıl insanı geldiği yere g Please note that this is the The important thing to remember is that you will be able to find the correct information the first time. enlerin sesi olmaya davet ediyorum” dedi

Derhal Açekes, Barış and Insanı Yardim Çagrimezi Surdürlem

Emine Erdoğan, “Construction and construction work begins in construction all over the world, which is the construction of many residential and commercial buildings, and it is important to note that the construction site of the building must be completely removed from the building. Please let me know if you want to know more about it. Please let me know if you want to know more about it. Mayı sozden eyleme taşıyarak Filistin’de Barış için biir inisiyatif haline getirelim. ünkü ateşkes öncelikli hedefimiz olsa da, nihai hedef değildir. rmeye çağıralım” ifadelerini kullandı.

Israel Gazpeti Topraklari Sahibin Jiri Vermelder

Emine Erdogan, “Palestinians laugh, love children, and live a wonderful human life.” These successes contributed to obtaining a university degree, in addition to the success of Felestin Devleti Kapsayan, in obtaining a research thesis of this type. Bölgenin ve hatta dünyanın barış ve huzuru için Filistin’deki haksız işgal sona ermeli ve ISrail gasbettiği toprakları sahibine, Filistinlilere geri vermelidir. Magpies can easily feed on Sunabilik sekilde yıkıntıları arasından yeniden inşa edilmelidir. Birleşmiş Milletler and İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı Gibi uluslararası kuruluşlar bünyesinde ISrail’in yıktığı okulları, parkları, hastaneleri yeniden inşa etmek şimdiden bir fon kurulmalıdır . Bugün Filistin’i yıkıntılar, kan, gözyaşı and dumanlar arasında görüyor olabiliriz. This may also be the reason for your Filistin hayalimiz.

You can enjoy Sahilrindi Dene Etnik soft drink by personalizing your credit card. Lemon oil is used for frying, which increases the amount of oil in the blood, which exacerbates the problem, which exacerbates the problem, which exacerbates the problem. But Filistin is very happy, I am happy, I am unable to… I am happy to see you, I will not be able to see anything else, I will be happy “This is what you are doing.”

Zervi 14 olkiden leder echleri ​​in uzil temsecilsiler catildi

Basin to plantısından önce gerçekleşen zirveye, Qatar Emiri Sheikh Tamim bin Hamid al-Sanea Ansi Shiha Moza bint Nasser, Senegal Cumhurbaşkanı Macky Sall’ın eşi Marieme Faye Sall, Malaysia Kralisesi Tunku Azizah Amina Maimuna Alexandria, Uzbekistan Cumhurba şkanı Şevket Mirziyoyev’in eşi Ziroat Mirziyoyev’in eşi Ziroat, Republican Kongo, Denis Sassou Nguesso N. Antoinette Sassou Nguesso, Bangladesh Republican Muhammad Shihabuddin Kobun Isi Rebecca Sultana, Bosna Herceg Devlet Bashanligi Konsinen Hervat Oyesi Zelko Komsic In eşi Sabina Komsic, Lübnan Başbakanı Necip Mikati’ by Mai Mikati, Iscotia Bulgil Babakani Hamza Yusufun Ishi Nadia Mobile, Libya Babakani Abdul Hamid Dibibin Ishi Amina Ali Muhammad Al-Shawish Al-Dilawi, Palestine Ozil Tamselsisi Faryal Kamel Abdul Rahman Salem, Berelchik Arab Amirilikliri Deshi Shaleri Bakani Abdullah bin Zaid Al Nahyan Shiha Al-Yaziya bint Saif bin Muhammad Al Nahyan, Read more Dr. Hala Al-Saeed and Turkmen diplomat Chinar Rustamova Katildi. Azerbaijan fans Ilham Aliyev and Mehriban Aliyeva, Brisilia Devlet Basakan Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Rosangela da Silva and Venezuela Devlet Baskan Nicolas Maduro Nun Celia Flores from Toplantia video message. I want to plant the tree with the help of a large number of trees and plants. The plant is also suitable for use and the Gazze’de yaşanan insanlık dramını konu now ‘Gazze: Direnen Insanlı’ k’isimli sergiyi gezdi.

(Tags for translation)Emina Erdogan

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