First Lady Macron: Donald Trump does not keep his promise to his wife

French First Lady Brigitte Macron made interesting statements about the relationship between former US President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump.

Brigitte Macron, the 70-year-old wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, who is 25 years her junior, spoke to Paris Match magazine. Referring to the marriage of former US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump, whom he met many times, Macron said that Melania Trump manages her husband’s affairs.

Indicating that Donald Trump adheres to his wife’s rules, Macron said that Melania Trump is the strong one in the marriage and is the one who pulls the strings, and that Donald Trump listened to his wife when she struck her watch one time at dinner and said to them: Wake up.

The first lady who runs the White House

The First Lady stated that Melania Trump is a very nice person but also has a strong personality, and said: “She controls Donald Trump and he does not get out of his way.”

Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron hosted the Trump couple, who visited France twice in 2018 and spent a long time together.

He stated that Melania Trump generally made Trump’s plans during his presidency, and that the former president followed his wife’s rules regarding behavior. It was revealed that the former First Lady also played an important role in White House operations.

Melania Trump, who did not appear much with Donald Trump, who has recently faced problems with the judiciary, announced that she supports her husband in next year’s presidential elections.

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