Five home remedies to prevent colds (one of them is chocolate)

Five home remedies to prevent colds (one of them is chocolate)

At this time of year, few people can brag about not being affected by a cold or cold, no matter how minor. If not, then you’re in luck. If you’ve been suffering from these symptoms or want to stay healthy, the best way to avoid taking breaks and taking medications is to follow these home remedies that will get rid of mucus and headaches.

Use honey to relieve cough

Honey is a versatile dietary supplement that helps relieve coughs and sore throats. Just take a tablespoon and mix it with tea or spread it on toast. You can add lemon to your tea and gargle it to soothe your throat. Contrary to popular myth, don’t mix it with milk, as dairy can increase mucus.

Nice chocolate

A study from the Department of Chest Medicine at Imperial College London has good news for chocolate lovers. One of the components of cocoa is theobromine, which fights cold symptoms in a similar way to codeine.

Garlic fights infection

Garlic has antiseptic properties and is a great defense against infections and viruses like the flu. Use it often in salads or other meals. It can also be chopped and mixed with honey and lemon.

drink lots of fluids

For colds, the Spanish Association for Healthy Self-Care (ANEFP) recommends getting plenty of rest, drinking plenty of fluids and maintaining a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.


Not only do they hydrate, they also help maintain a proper body temperature. Chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties that help fight respiratory infections. The more vegetables in the soup, the better.

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