Florence Pugh was ashamed of her nude scene in Oppenheimer, and frankly, we can’t take it anymore.

Warning: this article contains spoilers Oppenheimer

andLaurence Pugh in the cast of the last film Christopher Nolan Oppenheimer as Jean Tatlock, a brilliant young student who begins a relationship with J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy). Pugh (and how could it be otherwise?) plays this episodic role with his characteristic emotional richness and refined manner. But for many on the Internet, it doesn’t matter.

Indeed, social networks are full of comments – alas! – the body of Florence Pugh. In the film, Pugh and Murphy appear naked in a sex scene: “I think that was the fundamental scene for this movie,” Murphy said. GQ. “I think my character’s relationship with Jin is an important moment emotionally. The sex scenes make sense if they support the story.”

Some male internet users felt the urge to go public with their opinions about Pugh’s appearance in nude scenes. And even then, unfortunately, there is little to be surprised at. In a TikTok video, one Charles Peralo details Pugh’s alleged measurements, the actress’ previous comments about her weight, and states that many viewers felt “she had a belly that was too big.”

Even on Twitter, there is no shortage of equally derogatory remarks. Many people took Pugh’s nude scenes as the perfect opportunity to comment on his appearance. throwing deeply offensive and inflammatory insults, which we will not repeat in this article. (If you want to check them, unfortunately, it is not difficult to find them, but you can easily do without them).

Like us, many Pugh fans are simply fed up with all this. Comments on the body of the actress and the woman in general. “I’m really tired,” a woman complained under Peralo’s TikTok video. “I’m honestly tired of you all… tired of being part of humanity,” wrote another. Why are we still talking about women’s bodies? For God’s sake, let the women live!” the third objected. “Guys this is all ridiculous to say the least,” one woman tweeted.

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That more is said about Pugh’s body than his performance in the film is downright depressing and tiring. Pugh is a respected actress, already nominated for an Academy Award. Obviously, the reaction to Murphy’s interpretation, called “mysterious” and “extraordinary”, was of a completely different kind. Comments on the main male role Oppenheimer they are marked by enthusiasm (despite being the people who invented the atomic bomb) and appreciation for the pounds lost for the role. As for the last aspect, it’s all praise for his skill and dedication. Unlike Pugh, the question of whether she is “attractive” or not seems to take a backseat as a minor and minor element of the film.

Why, we ask ourselves again, so many people still focus on the figure and body of the actress, and not on the quality of her performance?

Since body shaming is rampant on social media, let me write that I – well! – a little tired. Considering that Pugh is certainly not overweight and can safely be considered a “beauty standard”, It is worth reiterating that her body is not shown on screen for the entertainment of Internet users who are obsessed with women. This is part of a big story. If the first thought, or even the second and third that comes to mind after watching Oppenheimer Pugh doesn’t look the way you wanted, trust me, you’re the problem.

Pugh herself said it like it was last year when, surprisingly, her see-through Valentino gown sparked a new wave of bodyshaming. “It was interesting to watch and witness how easy it is for men to completely destroy a woman’s body, in public, with pride, for all to see.”he wrote on Instagram, adding: “Grow up. Learn to respect people, bodies. Learn to respect all women, people. Your life will become much easier, I guarantee it.”

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