Florencia de Cruz del Eje recovering well after liver transplant: ‘God is great, thank you all’

Florencia Fernandez Nieto is recovering after receiving a liver transplant at a private hospital in Córdoba.

Florence Fernandez Nieto, The 18-year-old girl from Cruz del Eje, who urgently needs a liver transplant, successfully received the organ after surgery in a private hospital in the city of Córdoba last week and is now in good health and progressing smoothly.

“Florencia is doing well, her transplant was a success. Two days later, he woke up. They’ve removed all the equipment she had to help her. He’s started oral feeding. His liver is working fine. Very good, the whole body is also well adjusted.“, his father, Miguel Fernández, was at the Carlos Paz is alive!

Then, he said: “God is great and He can do all things. We want to thank everyone who prayed for her and helped us in the most difficult times.”

History of Florence

About 15 days ago, Florencia started feeling unwell with some kind of gastroenteritis, and she was treated with medication in Cruz del Eje. The next day, she was admitted to hospital with severe pain in her stomach and after tests were performed she was diagnosed with liver failure.

According to her mother, Andrea, the young woman did not have any medical history related to what happened to her at the time.

A day later, Florencia was rushed to a private hospital in Córdoba in a critical condition requiring an urgent liver transplant, a national emergency.

A few days later, the transplant was able to take place, thanks to 99.99% compatible donors from the province of Santa Fe.” Today, Florencia is recovering well after her liver transplant.

They found a donor for Florencia and they will have a liver transplant this Tuesday

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