Flu infections worsen after US New Year celebrations

this flu season It’s getting worse, but it’s still too much soon for To what extent do you know this Meeting The Christmas holidays may cause Increase sick

this new data A government report released last week (over the Christmas and New Year holidays) showed that 38 states high level or very high respiratory disease Have symptoms such as fever and cough. This number is higher than the 31 states in the United States the previous week.

Check it out: Doctors warn of increase in respiratory illnesses in winter

this is most likely Measures include For people with the following conditions Coronavirus diseaseRSV (respiratory syncytial virus), etc. winter virus, and not just the flu.But the flu seems Increase According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the situation is more serious.

“yes foreseeable remain high during few weeks More,” said the CDC’s Alicia Bader. So far, however, it’s a flu season Moderate, he said.

explanation of Report He noted that flu can be complicated during and after the holidays.this school closed. There are more people traveling.Some People decide not to go to the doctor stay at home. Others, however, prefer to see a doctor.

this flu season usually reaches its Peak from December to FebruaryCDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen expects the outbreak to peak later this month.official statement vaccine The viruses fighting this season’s flu are well adapted to the viruses that spread the most.

according to estimate From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) October At least it happened 10 million cases110,000 people were hospitalized, 6,500 flu deaths So far this season. According to the agency, 27 children have died from the flu.

The following situations may occur Coronavirus disease It’s not increasing as quickly as the flu this winter. CDC data shows Hospitalization Caused coronavirus Not yet at levels seen over the past three winters.

A new version Coronavirus, Designated as JN.1The virus is responsible for nearly two-thirds of cases in the United States, according to CDC estimates.but official healthy they claim That no test cause more serious illness than Other variants recent.

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