Flu or coronavirus vaccinations for people over 80 will begin on October 16

The first phase of the influenza and COVID-19 vaccination campaign concluded on Friday, October 6, in the regions of Ourense, Huelín and Valdeoras, with vaccination teams visiting the 162 existing social health residences in the province, where residents There are 6,175 people, including 1,000. Compared to the previous event, this is a complex stage with a larger number of centers and more dispersed residents.

The COVID-19 vaccination campaign is ongoing, precisely to prioritize the two groups most at risk. Therefore, after the completion of our center for the elderly and disabled, on Monday 9th October, home immunization will begin for those who are immobile and, at the same time, will recapture those who are unable to be vaccinated due to health or hospitalization reasons or who are either Vaccinated residents are admitted.

Josefa Rodríguez Araujo, coordinator of the campaign in Ourense and deputy director of the nursing department of the primary care area, estimates that the vaccination rate for this group in Ourense will be around 90% after returning to their homes during this period. I believe this will be difficult to overcome. It was reported that more than 700 people had contraindications due to health conditions.

Two elderly people over 80 years old received mass vaccination

The second phase of the campaign, scheduled for December 31, is the first in a seasonal plan that will begin on October 16 with the vaccination of people over 80 years old, a group of 33,501 people in Ourense. .

To facilitate this process, primary care caregivers will vaccinate against influenza and covid-19 to people aged 80 and above in the regional capitals, specifically in the following health centers: Allariz, Bande, Carballiño, Castro Caldelas, Coles, Celanova, Mar Seda, Aboblad Treves, Ribadavia, Viana Dubolo and Sinzo Delimia.

As with our other campaigns, users of the two centers belonging to the Verín and O Barco de Valdeorras primary care services will be called to the Verín and Valdeorras public hospitals to receive their vaccination.

Likewise, to facilitate the logistics of the vaccine, Expourense will focus on the most populous areas and inform users of Ourense’s two primary care services: A Carballeira (including San Cibrán das Viñas, Ponte Noalla and A Valenzá) A Cuña-Mariñamansa, A Ponte, Novoa Santos-Couto and Valle Inclán (including Pereiro de Aguiar and Nogueira de Ramuín)

The people targeted by the campaign do not have to make an appointment at their health center as is usually the case with flu campaigns, as all users will be summoned directly via text message or SMS and met with them on the same day. time they can accommodate.

Covid-19 vaccines are adapted to circulating strains and no more doses will be needed this winter. Again, there are two types of flu shots available. Four prices and one price are applicable to all people under the age of 80, and one price for high loads is applicable to people over 80 years old and residential users.

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