Flu vaccine has ‘extras’

The link between influenza and cardiovascular disease has been known in the medical field for more than a century, but most of society may not be aware of it. Not only are patients with existing cardiovascular disease at greater risk from the flu, but vaccines against this virus may protect against cardiovascular disease in both patients and people with no previous history of the disease.As a Galician pediatrician recently recalled Federico Martinon-TorresOne of Spain’s largest vaccine experts,”Getting a flu shot can reduce your risk of heart attack by nearly 50%. Changes in the heart muscle compared with people who haven’t received the flu vaccine.Also, if you have a heart attack, get a flu shot also reduces mortality. “If only for this reason, it is worth getting vaccinated!” emphasizes X Martinón, clinical researcher and head of pediatric services. San Diego University Clinical Hospital (CHUS).

The scientific evidence supporting these claims is abundant. One of the most complete studies was conducted by another Galician doctor, José María Eros BuzaHead of Department of Microbiology Riohotega University Hospital From Valladolid, one of Spain’s greatest flu experts. This meta-analysis on “The impact of influenza vaccination on cardiovascular disease” was published in the journal Medicina Clínica in 2021 and analyzed 30 studies published between 2009 and 2019. This review sheds light on the protective effects of influenza vaccines during their development and development. Cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction, stroke, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure) and exacerbation of these processes. Additionally, studies have shown that vaccinated patients have a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

Specifically, influenza vaccination can statistically significantly reduce all-cause mortality by 22% to 40% and cardiovascular event mortality by an average of 56%.

The study concluded: “Influenza vaccination is therefore an effective measure to prevent cardiovascular disease in people with existing cardiovascular disease and in those without a previous history.”

According to the review, there may be multiple mechanisms by which influenza viruses increase the risk of heart attacks. Among them, the inflammatory effects (cytokines) act on atherosclerotic plaques (narrowing or completely blocking arteries), or the cardiotoxic effects of viruses, producing myocarditis (inflammation of the heart). These mechanisms have also been described for COVID-19.

Another survey was published in the journal last November “European Heart Journal Supplement”It was concluded that “despite some potential limitations of current influenza vaccines, their advantages in reducing cardiovascular events and related mortality persist, thus justifying their widespread use, particularly in cardiovascular among high-risk patients.”

In short, getting vaccinated not only protects against the serious illness that the flu virus can cause, but it also has these little-known additional benefits that could save many lives.

May have protective effect against Alzheimer’s disease

Some studies suggest that in addition to helping prevent influenza and pneumonia, vaccines against these diseases may protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Vaccines may reduce the risk of dementia, according to three different studies announced during the 2020 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Chicago, USA. Getting at least one dose of the flu vaccine can reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease by 17%. Getting the flu vaccine more frequently could reduce the risk by another 13%.Researchers of the study McGovern Medical School, Houston (US) found that the protective association between the flu vaccine and Alzheimer’s disease risk was stronger for those who first received it at a younger age: for example, those who first received it in their 60s People who first get a flu shot benefit more than people in their 60s who first get it at age 70. In addition, depending on an individual’s genetics, vaccination against pneumonia between the ages of 65 and 75 can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by up to 40%.

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