Foods to Improve Digestion and Prevent Bloating

The bloating and upset stomach associated with indigestion can be relieved by including foods in your daily diet that help repair your GI tract and improving certain habits.

To maintain a healthy gut and restore damaged gut function, Harvard graduate and functional medicine specialist Carlos Jaramillo offers tools and strategies, including eating foods that are healthy for your organs, digestive system, and Restorative foods.

Research reveals relationship between microbiota and autoimmunity. An affected microbiome produces allergic and inflammatory diseases, as well as the types of bacteria in the mouth, respiratory and digestive tracts, so maintaining good digestive health is important.

Alterations in the gut microbiota may contribute to cardiovascular, autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases, diabetes, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, infection and cancer, according to research published by the National Library of Medicine.

Foods that can help take care of your gut and the digestive process include aloe vera, foods that contain glutamine, probiotics, soluble fiber, and fermented foods.

aloe vera

Aloe vera home remedies are common and famous among many people.
Image credit: Shutterstock

When there is irritation, gastritis, or esophagitis, consuming aloe vera can reduce inflammation and heal the esophagus and stomach. It also has properties that improve intestinal permeability.


Glutamine is an amino acid that helps restore intestinal permeability and provides the nutrients needed to maintain gut health.

Glutamine performs very important functions in the body as it is the most abundant amino acid in muscle groups, plasma, spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid.

This amino acid is found in nuts, spinach, parsley, dairy products and meat.

edible prebiotics

Yogurt is a probiotic food, while grains and fruit are sources of prebiotics that can help improve gut health.
Image credit: Shutterstock

Probiotics are Microbes, which can be bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses found in the gut, are important for gut health, Jaramillo explained.

Consuming probiotics can help restore the microbiome after abusing changes such as antacids.

eat fsoluble fiber

The high soluble fiber content of oatmeal is your best ally in releasing cholesterol from the arteries, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.
Image credit: Shutterstock

Foods rich in soluble fiber help maintain gut regularity and microbiome balance.

This film-forming fiber in the gut is found in foods like oats, beans, apples and bananas.

fermented food

Preparing your own fermented foods is fun and an amazingly healthy habit.
Image credit: Shutterstock

consumption food Fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut are good for gut health because they contain bacteria that are good for your microbiome.

don’t eat processed food

Due to their harmful effects on our body’s cells, doctors recommend avoiding processed foods and refined sugars.

Such foods can negatively affect the balance of the microbiota and lead to intestinal inflammation.

improve sleep quality

How much sleep does our brain need to function properly in the long run?
Image credit: Katniss12 | Pixar

Dr. Jaramillo explains the importance of improving sleep quality to maintain gut health, as it is important for gut repair and regeneration.

It also emphasizes that reducing stress is important for health, affecting microbiome balance and changes in gut function.

continue reading:

.Digestive properties of apples: they give satiety and improve intestinal transit

.Foods to avoid for better colon function

.Learn about the properties of four fruits that relieve constipation


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