“For our children, one thousand euros per month, out of our own pocket”

Courageous women who face crises and moments of despair on a daily basis. And they are forced to pay for very expensive therapies out of their own pocket. They are mothers of children and youth with autism spectrum disorders. on saturday 1st july they met Zainika White Rose On the occasion of Paddle Charity Tournament. The structure is managed, since 2019, by the Sardinian Casa di Nazareth Foundation, created by Giuseppe Capichera. will go to income Guardian Angel Foundation of Predor, where autism is often diagnosed, while the organizer of the event is Elena Graziani of Nembro, a mother of 5-year-old twins. One is High Functioning Autistic or Asperger’s.

“I understood right away – she says -, he didn’t look at me, his eyes were lost, He didn’t recognize me as mother, she shouted. The diagnosis came at two years and eight months. Violent attacks occur, in which he hits, bites, throws objects, turns the house upside down. Once he threw a vacuum cleaner at me. Where is the state?’ Recommended therapy is aba (from applied behavior analysis or applied behavior analysis) which is implemented by a team at the Strabiliba Center in Albino. The cost isn’t for everyone.

«This is 6-8 hours a week, paid 25 euros each, plus 300 euros for the supervision of a psychologist -, Therefore between 1,000 and 1,200 euros per month. The cost so far has been around 50,000 Euros, all at our expense. ATS Bergamo guarantees only 45 minutes of psychomotoricity per week in the Guardian Angel and the same number of speech therapy sessions, which are clearly not enough.

Nembro’s mother sues Ets And a hearing has been set for November before Tarr. “My husband works – she adds – I “live” in the car, driving Alessandro from specialist to specialist. Health is an inalienable right and aba therapy is fundamental. It is because of long training that these children are able to do simple tasks like washing their hair, cutting their nails, going down the stairs or eating with cutlery.

If Elena wins, she could lead to many other cases, such as the case of Chiara Silocco from Gorle, the mother of Lorenzo, a 13-year-old with autistic cognitive impairment. « Lorenzo did it – says Chiara, a teacher – there was a major regression when he went to kindergarten, He doesn’t speak, his behavior is self-harming, even if he just needs to watch a cartoon to calm his aggression. As a child he was hospitalized (privately) at Bocaccio Parini in Lecco. ABA therapy is necessary. As a teacher I realize that many families give up by putting their kids on the couch because they cannot afford the cost. In fact, even an outdoor activity like sports or summer school requires a paid teacher who follows the boy.

Working in a family workshop, Elena Piantoni of Seine is mother to 10-year-old Adele and 12-year-old Pietro, who are autistic. “I realized that as a child he did not look into my eyes – says Elena -, He didn’t call me mom. When the diagnosis comes, it is as if you are losing the child you idealized who is reincarnated in another way, because autism is not a disease, but a neuro-variety”.

autistic subjects are one in every 60, However, many people are not diagnosed. Rosa Bianca has 2,300 members who participate in activities (paddle, animal assisted therapy, horse riding), 600 of whom play paddle, while 300 are vulnerable, ranging from autistic to victims of bullying, depression or anorexia.

« I remember an autistic child who did not speak – says Viviana Cialoni, Head of Animal Aided Interventions -, He started again after learning the verse to make the horse run, Paddle’s director german dennis, 41 years old, Argentine former Atalanta footballer, who lived in Bergamo from 2011 to 2016. «I decided to stay – smiles the former number 19 -. Competition in paddle is similar to football. next goal? preparation for my special students starts in september who will compete in the men’s and women’s paddle Paralympics.”

03 July 2023

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