For prevention and responsibility, against distrust

Many Herald readers who responded to the vaccination survey claimed the main reason driving them to get vaccinated was “prevention”and by “responsibility”, for “Protecting the most vulnerable.” Among those who do not want to be vaccinated, those who believe they do not need to be vaccinated are most prominent because they are young and healthy, while others are unwilling to take it due to distrust.

Last Monday, the Aragonese government opened the possibility of influenza vaccination to the entire Aragonese population, with the aim of stemming the high incidence of influenza and reversing this trend.

The majority of people who answered the question (62%) had not been vaccinated this season, while those who had been They have received flu and COVID vaccines.

The most common answers to the reasons why they have been vaccinated or plan to be vaccinated are as follows (in order): For prevention; At risk due to age or health condition; For safety; “For my benefit and everyone’s benefit and responsibility” ”; for health; based on common sense; Protect the most vulnerable Or because they live with them; because they still believe in science and vaccines, whether by faith or medical prescription.

For those who are not planning to get vaccinated or are not taking the vaccine, please list the following reasons in order of priority: Because “I don’t believe in it, it’s a scam, it’s not safe”; Not much use; Out of tiredness or just don’t want to; You think It’s okay to get a flu shot yourself if you’re young and not in a high-risk group; because you’re already sick, because of technical issues, because of allergies, because you think it has more contraindications than benefits.

Among public responses, vaccinated people were interested in: “I get vaccinated to avoid what ends up happening because of people’s lack of common sense”; “I only get the flu vaccine because it’s more experienced and has fewer side effects”; “I get the vaccine to reduce the impact of the disease”, “Getting the vaccine means you have the ability to protect yourself from infection and it lasts from one year to Stay immune for the next year.” “Because after so many years of proving their effectiveness, it would be foolish to deny the scientific evidence for vaccination. Unless they award the Nobel Prize to deniers and earthlings this year, I will question my education.” “Because vaccines are effective, they prevent serious disease and save lives. “I’m not at risk and they should have made it available to the general public sooner.”

Among the public responses from those who do not plan to get vaccinated, the following points stand out: “I didn’t get vaccinated because I didn’t think it was necessary. I’ve had a mild case of COVID.” Not vaccinated, and I’ve never had a problem with the flu without being vaccinated”; “I tried to get vaccinated but still don’t qualify”; “There are so many people sick, it’s of no use”, “You can only get it from the flu because it’s more experienced and has fewer side effects.”

To make an appointment for vaccination, you must make it through the Salud Informa website, you can also use the mobile “app” and through the phone numbers 976 306 841 (Zaragoza), 974 215 746 (Huesca) and 978 Make an appointment by calling 623 345 (Teruel).

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