Former gang truce mediator Raul Miyango dies

On the evening of August 28 this year, former mafia truce mediator Mario Alberto Mijango Menjívar, also known as Raúl Mijango, was diagnosed with terminal Kidney failure died. Myango’s defense attorney, Mauricio Ramirez, confirmed tonight, “According to the family, it is true … that he passed away this afternoon because he was hospitalized at the El Salvador Social Security Institute, where I know he was. ’” Mijango was treated at the ISSS Surgical Medical Hospital and died at around 5.15pm on Monday. In July, Mijango was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Salvador Institute for Social Security (ISSS), but on the 21st of the same month, he was released from the facility and remains hospitalized. He was admitted to hospital with pneumonia. As a result, his defense attorney, Mauricio Ramírez, said he would request a second conditional release due to his deteriorating health.

Miyango was last transferred to the Isidro Menendez Justice Center, one of which was a request for parole, which was denied.Emerson Del Cid

On June 26, the Court of Surveillance and Sentence Execution of Prison No. 1 in San Salvador refused to grant him a suspended sentence, citing “social risks.” “In her (judge’s) view, there was a risk in granting benefits, there was a risk to her … she didn’t talk about the flight risk, the risk she saw was not the flight risk,” Myango’s defense attorney said at the time: “He Think of it as a greater social risk than flight. Between 2011 and 2012, Myango was appointed by a former minister as a mediator between the gang and the government of former President Mauricio Funes, defending lawyer David Munguía Payés. His adviser, Miyango, together with bishop Fabio Colindres, held a meeting with the Salvadoran gangs to reach an agreement to reduce homicides. In the criminal proceedings, it is clear from the testimony of qualified witnesses It was stated that Mijango was in favor of bringing illegal items into prison as a favor to gang members in prison; however, although he was prosecuted for these acts, he was always acquitted.Mijango was serving 13 years and 4 years in prison at the time of his death He was sentenced to prison for continuing aggravated racketeering to the detriment of a grain company during the truce period. Mijango said in an interview with reporters last time:

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