Francesco Facchinetti: burning revelations about Alessia Marcuzzi

Francesco Facchinetti

Francesco Facchinetti – Photo: Pinterest –

The searing revelations of Francesco Facchinetti who confesses his passion with his ex Alessia Marcuzzi. This is chaos.

But do you remember Francesco Facchinetti when he was still DJ Francesco and sang incredible choruses. The son of Roberto Facchinetti, a historical member of the Pooh family, Francesco had to work hard to make the whole world understand that he was much more than the son recommended by the classics ….

In fact, if it was a recommendation, then the recommendation was decent, but the former lead singer of “Captain” has proven herself much more. A true entrepreneur who 20 years he is called the richest twenty-year-old boy in Monza and Brianza. He did some strange things and made himself a place in a world full of sharks, which, of course, did not save him from a series of criticisms, sometimes even unjustified ones. He, who, in addition to being a singer and entrepreneur, was also a TV presenter, presenter, as well as a guest and participant in various programs.

Recall, for example, that Francesco Facchinetti took part in the Isola dei Famosi, where he met his Aida Yespica, of whom he says:I had relationships with very beautiful women, Aida is one of them. I ended up with her on a desert island, what more could I want?»

important story

One of the most significant stories in his life, of course, was the story of Alessia Marcuzzi, from whom he had a daughter, Mia. The two have been together for a long time, and still seem to share a deep sense of mutual affection and respect.

Alessia and I are very similar, we have a great opinion of ourselves, a strong love for ourselves, which allowed us to realize ourselves in life. If you decide to have a child from one person, it is clear that there is love, there is passion, there is everything. And so it was between us. When it was all over, a great friendship and affection remained. I always remain attached to people with whom I have lived part of my life, especially if it is the mother of my daughter. And our goal was and remains Mia’s good. The creation of a protected area was a matter of course for us“.

Francesco Facchinetti and Alessia Marcuzzi

Francesco Facchinetti and Alessia Marcuzzi – Photo: Pinterest –

Francis and his wife

Francesco Facchinetti is currently happily married to Wilma Helena Feisol since 2014. With a Brazilian fashion blogger, he has two children: 8-year-old Leone and 7-year-old Liv. Their strange meetingWe met in conversation with friends, planning a group holiday in Marrakesh. For some time it remained an epistolary relationship, and that’s it. When we finally met, Wilma stumbled and fell at my feet as she walked out the kitchen window. From there it started“.

Francesco and his family often post pictures of Alessia Marcuzzi and any companions. Recall that the dancer recently divorced Paolo Calabresi Marconi, whom she secretly married in 2014.

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