Frecce Tricolori in Milan, photos and videos

This morning the Frecce Tricolori in Milan staged an unusual aerobatics show that attracted attention for about 10 minutes. The Air Force aerobatic team crossed the skies of Milan starting at 10.45., giving emotions in the heart of the city, especially in the area of ​​Palazzo Pirelli and Palazzo Lombardia, headquarters of regional institutions. However, their flight was also visible from many other areas, including the Duomo area.

Frecce Tricolori in Milan, exhibition

The event was organized to mark the centenary of the Air Force as an autonomous arm of the armed forces. “This is just the first of a series of initiatives that will be implemented during the celebration of the Air Force’s centenary,” the Lombardy region said in a press release. An unrivaled opportunity to discover and celebrate the history, capabilities and traditions of the Air Force through a traveling exhibition. “History, capabilities and traditions of the Air Force for the first 100 years”, will take place in the spectacular space of the Pirelli skyscraper from October 13 to 29.

Italian Grand Prix 2023

Frecce Tricolori in Milan, declarations

“Today’s flyover represents another tribute that the Air Force wants to pay to the territory and community with which it is historically and closely associated,” he explains. Colonel Maurizio Daniele, Head of the General Affairs Directorate of the 1st Air Area Command in Milan -. This event offers a unique opportunity to celebrate our centenary with citizens and raise awareness of a dynamic military that is an asset to the nation and has a strong penchant for technological innovation.”

Not only Frecce Tricolori in Milan

Great Sunday of sport and entertainment a week ago at the Autodromo Nazionale Monza with the 2023 Italian Grand Prix, which, as always, attracted VIPs and influencers from all over the world, starting with Brad Pitt. Also present Prime Minister Georgia Meloni: “The Temple of Speed ​​becomes a source of inspiration for us. We need to run more to be successful.”

The national acrobatic team, the so-called “Frecce Tricolori“, flew over the starting grid of the Formula 1 Pirelli Italian Grand Prix at the Autodromo Nazionale Monza. Once again at the Autodromo Nazionale de Monza the consolidated alliance between the world of Formula 1 and the Air Force was renewed with the passage of 9 MB-339PAN aircraft.

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