From “Little Nicholas” to “Canvas”: 10 recommended French animated films

Animated film remains a field of wonders to be discovered, claimed, celebrated and cherished, as intimate as they are universal.As with other genres, it doesn’t matter where it comes from, what matters is where it came from It has the ability to captivate, amuse, amuse and excite. These ten films certainly get it.

With the premiere of Ernest and Celestine’s Journey, a film that simply follows in the footsteps of its brilliant predecessor in 2012, it already has a fair shot at being one of the best films of the year, We focus on the specific country of France to highlight this dizzying set of proposals for their simplicity and sensitivity. Capital animation comes from moving details with the help of simple images.

From brilliant original stories to necessary textual adaptations, these films An experience full of beauty, sophistication and visual poetry that goes beyond the screen and leaves one of the most beautiful footprints. It invites us to return over and over again along the same path, but to discover something new each time we return.

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