From stress to excess fat – 5 reasons your poop may be yellow and when to worry

When you think of poop, the first thing you probably think of is brown.

But the second one can come in a variety of different colors, from red, green, orange to yellow, depending on your diet and health.

Eating yellow foods like pumpkin can make your poop yellow


Eating yellow foods like pumpkin can make your poop yellowImage credit: E+ – Getty

A lot of times it depends on what you’ve eaten recently, so if your poop suddenly turns a shocking color, you don’t need to panic immediately.

But if you notice certain bones frequently, it’s worth discussing them with your doctor.

When it comes to yellow poop, some yellow and orange foods can tint it this color, says health, wellness and nutrition expert Adam Fairman.

But infections and medical conditions like celiac disease can also be to blame for pale or clay-colored poop, he writes on personalized nutrition platform ZOE.

Here are possible reasons why your stool may be yellow.

1.You eat yellow food

If you notice that your poop is more golden than usual, it’s most likely caused by your diet.

Think about whether you have eaten any of the following foods recently:

  • radish
  • squash
  • sweet potato
  • red and yellow peppers
  • broccoli
  • pea
  • Leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach, and lettuce
  • Herbs like parsley, cilantro, and sage
  • Spices such as paprika, cayenne pepper, and cayenne pepper

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Some supplements may also make your poop yellow.

While all of these foods may not be exactly yellow, they contain a pigment called beta-carotene that can change the color of No. 2, Adam says.

Foods and drinks containing yellow, orange or red dyes can have the same effect.

If you eat less of these foods, your poop should look browner, he adds.

2. You are under a lot of pressure

Adam believes that stress can actually affect the speed at which food moves through the intestines, as well as digestion.

This means your body may absorb fewer nutrients from the food you eat, making your poop yellow.

You may not realize you’re stressed, but it might be a good time to get help coping with it if you notice:

  • headache or dizziness
  • muscle tension or pain
  • stomach problems
  • Chest pain or rapid heartbeat
  • sexual problems
  • difficulty concentrating
  • try to make a decision
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • constant worry
  • forgetful

The NHS recommends talking to friends, family or a health professional about how you are feeling.

Taking time for yourself and getting some exercise may also help.

3. Too much fat in the stool

Increased fat in the stool is called steatorrhea, which makes the stool greasy and yellow.

This occurs if you have a medical condition that affects how you absorb fat from food, such as celiac disease or chronic pancreatitis.

Celiac disease is a disease in which when you eat gluten, your immune system attacks your own tissues, damaging your intestines and preventing your body from absorbing nutrients properly.

Symptoms include foul-smelling diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating after eating gluten, and more generally fatigue, weight loss, itchy rashes, and balance or speech problems.

According to the NHS, following a gluten-free diet should help control symptoms and prevent long-term complications of the disease,

Chronic pancreatitis is a disease in which the pancreas (the organ that helps digestion) is permanently damaged by inflammation and stops working properly.

The most common symptom of chronic pancreatitis is recurring burning and tingling pain in the abdomen.

The pain usually occurs in the middle or left side of the abdomen and can move along the back. You may also experience nausea, vomiting, and unexpected weight loss.

NHS guidance says if you experience severe pain you should see your GP immediately.

4.You have stomach problems

Parasitic infections may also be the cause of yellow stools, as they can affect the functioning of the intestines.

Adam points out a common intestinal parasite called Giardia duodenalis Causes giardiasis.

The NHS says that as well as loose, yellow stools, it can cause:

  • Stomach pain or cramps
  • fart
  • Burps smell bad – they may smell like eggs
  • abdominal bloating
  • lose weight

People with giardiasis typically have two to five loose stools a day and feel increasingly tired, Adam said.

Although some people don’t have any symptoms.

Giardiasis is spread through direct contact with infected people and contaminated food.

If you have any of the above symptoms, see your GP.

5. You are deficient in bile salts

Bile salts are produced by the liver, and they help your body absorb fat and give your stool its usual brown color.

Pale, yellow stools can sometimes mean your liver isn’t producing enough bile salts, which can be caused by:

The chance of getting hepatitis B in the UK is very low, but you can get it if you get a tattoo or piercing abroad.

It can give you a high fever, severe fatigue and abdominal pain, as well as hives and sometimes yellowing of the skin and eyes. If you think you have a GP, you should see your GP.

Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver caused by long-term liver damage that can eventually lead to liver failure.

It can cause loss of appetite, nausea and itching in the early stages.

Later, symptoms may progress to include yellowing of the skin and eyes, vomiting blood, and fluid accumulation in the legs and abdomen.

How do I ensure my bowel habits are healthy?

Adam says solid brown stool is a sign of healthy digestive system.

The best ways to ensure you have this include:

  • Eat fibrous fruits, vegetables and grains every day
  • drink enough water
  • Eat gut-friendly foods like yogurt, kimchi, and kefir
  • Exercise regularly to improve digestion

What does the color of my poop mean?

Adam adds that the color of your stool can tell you a lot about your gut health.

  • Brown: healthy, normal
  • White: Diarrhea Medication Side Effects, Lack of Bile
  • grid: you eat beetroot or have intestinal bleeding or hemorrhoids
  • Black: You have eaten licorice, you are experiencing iron side effects, or high intestinal bleeding
  • green: You ate green foods, or it could be caused by antibiotics, supplements, intestinal infections, and other conditions
  • orange: you eat foods rich in beta-carotene and have liver or gallbladder disease

Weird-colored poop is nothing to worry about, but if it doesn’t turn back to brown after a few days, talk to your doctor.

Blood in your stool may be a warning sign of bowel cancer.

Blood can make your poop red – because you can eat reddish foods like beetroot – but bleeding can also make your poop black.

Other symptoms may include:

  • Changes in your stool, such as soft stools, diarrhea, or constipation, that are not common for you
  • you need to have a bowel movement more or less than usual
  • Bleeding from your ass
  • Frequently feeling like you need to poop, even if you have just used the toilet
  • Stomachache
  • abdominal bloating
  • Lose weight without trying hard
  • Feeling tired for no reason

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