From the soil of Riolo to Rome in Fiorello: “Mericolor” is back

Fiorello, the young singer of Riole, discovered by Maria, Chiara Leoni, aka Mericler, returns to “Viva Rai 2” for the final episode live this morning via Asiago in Rome. Possibly coming from Romagna (Riolo Terme was also heavily affected by landslides and floods) Fiorello seeks to pay tribute to this land with the presence of a young artist who can be understood as a symbol of the resurgent region Is. The singer’s Rae adventure began last February when Fiorello desired her in his glass after accidentally seeing her while recording a video box. Almost out of oblivion, the 25-year-old found herself catapulted in front of an audience of millions on one of Rai’s flagship shows. The effect was immediate and also extraordinary: his voice and his image made an immediate impact, as evidenced by the congratulations received from Mericler and the many accolades given during the format. “This girl is good, she deserves to enter the glass” commented Fiorello himself when he described the meeting. The girl didn’t disappoint and showed off her vocal prowess with three musical interventions: Bang Bang by Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj. Then a song by Alyssa (dance) and the last song “Lose Yourself” by Eminem. He wants to surprise what he will sing in the finale episode. Her style is pop but she likes to mix different types of music: «I love soul, one of my idols is Aretha Franklin» she declared. So far they have recorded three singles, which can be found on Spotify, the last one being “Carillon”, but also preceded by “Parentesi” and “Tirami Su”. «I contacted music when I was very young – she revealed -: my singing teacher was Monia Visani from Casola Valcenio. It would be my dream to live on music”. Meanwhile, last September she graduated in communications. And she is very active with a project that takes her to Milan, Bologna and other cities to meet street masses, accompanied by acoustic guitar by Lisca, a friend of Casola Valcenio.

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