Gabriela Acher reassigned at Mendoza

actress and comedian Gabriela Archer The play opens next Friday (August 11) at the Mendoza Theater. But due to serious health conditions, the artist will not be able to travel to our province.

The actress showed a picture of suffering from acute bronchitis for which she was prevented and with her medical prescription on Friday with her Alone in Mendoza together, “What can a girl like me do at this age?”

The event is scheduled for August 11 Rescheduled to Saturday, September 2 at 9:00 pm at the Mendoza Theater. Purchased tickets are valid on the new date.Sales area

Gabriela Archer

Mendoza’s solo show

Laughter is the surefire medicine in life, Gabriela Archer In her latest one-man show, she takes a playful look back at the passage of time, targeting a new generation of women. Forty, fifty, sixty, seventy. They are new because until fifty years ago they did not exist, or at least did not have what we call life today.

exist “A girl like me, at this age, what are you doing?” Through a biting monologue, several questions arise: Are the Sixties the New Forties? Is fifty the new thirty? Is forty the new twenty? This question and others will be answered in our “How do I know if a guy is an older woman?” section.

The comedian and author returns to Mendoza with her one-man show.

In his clever and hilarious one-man show to a huge audience in Buenos Aires, Archer passes the time with humor and assurance that laughter is a surefire medicine.

“Over time, I was able to develop my sense of humor. I picked up that cultivated, polished humor from the ‘Telecataplum’ genre, and I was able to turn it into my book, fitting with the times and having a feminist look …but always remember those teachers so no one is offended and everyone can enjoy. These books gave me the opportunity to show each of them individually. I discovered the magic of the theater, solo shows are different because My other actor is the audience, and we connect in such a strong, carnal way.commented the actress a few days ago in an interview with Los Andes, about her experience in the theater and her humorous approach.


Gabriela Acher was an actress, comedian and author whose prolific television work made humor a generational signature, which she later turned into drama and published several A book on comedy and femininity.

After more than a decade, the actress returns to the Mendoza Theater on September 2 with her latest performance “A girl like me, at this age, what are you doing?”.Tickets are available at And the tickets purchased are valid for the new date.

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