
galangal(galangal), also known as galangal, is a plant with stimulating properties that has been shown to be very effective in treating weakness, loss of appetite, upset stomach, and gastritis. In Eastern cuisine it is used as a spice and in some countries it is a basic ingredient.

It is an exotic plant from the Zingiberaceae family that shares some of the same medicinal properties as ginger.In fact, other names for galangal include blue ginger (blue ginger) anyone Thai ginger.

plant, Native to southern China, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam, It is grown to some extent in these countries as well as Malaysia, Indonesia and India. Galangal is a variety with large, sharp, lanceolate leaves and white flowers with a purple tinge in the center and largest petals. The flowers are gathered into loose inflorescences or panicles up to 30 cm long.

For medicinal and gastronomic purposes Use rhizomes or underground stemsas is the case with ginger, and has Spicy, rich, fiery flavorlike ginger, but maybe a little milder.

Using galangal rhizome Fresh or powdered seasoned stews Vegetables, vegetables, vegetable cakes and soups. It is incorporated into different spice blends such as curries etc. to flavor dishes. Oriental cuisine.

Properties of galangal

Galangal has been used since ancient times in China, Thailand and India and is incorporated into numerous traditional remedies.

Properties are attributed to it, e.g. Digestive supplementsstomachic, appetizer, carminative, Anti-inflammatory (drug)antiemetics, anti-aging agents, stimulants, soft stimulationantispasmodic, antibacterial, antibacterial, antifungal and general supplement.

The rhizome of galangal is Rich in essential oilscontaining eugenol, cineole or pinene, as well as irritating substances (gingerol), flavonoids (such as galangin or alpinin), resins and tannins.

What are the uses of galangal?

The health benefits of galangal have been widely explored, and the spice is often incorporated into herbal medicine. Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicineslike ginger and turmeric, are related to it.

Galangal cures fatigue

As a tonic and stimulant, galangal is used in Chinese and Indian traditions Combat common weaknessesthis weak statethis fatigue and lack of motivation. It is often combined with other medicinal plants that have stimulating properties, such as turmeric or cinnamon.

Galangal as a stimulant

Galangal rhizome, combined with caffeine or as a substitute for caffeine, acts as a natural stimulant and stimulant that can increase our alertness and ability to focus. References to clinical trials can be found online, such as those summarized at this link:

Galangal as a stomach tonic

The primary and traditional use of galangal is as a gastric tonic to relieve discomfort caused by indigestion or allergies to certain foods, bloating, gas, gas, heartburn, and bad taste in the mouth. Also used in the natural treatment of stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Galangal treats vomiting and dizziness

Like ginger, galangal is also an important herbal and dietary resource for treating dizziness and vomiting, especially when traveling due to drinking unfiltered water or due to a change in diet type, or when traveling on a winding road dizziness and vomiting while traveling, flying or sailing. Its effectiveness is controversial, or at least it’s not suitable for everyone.

Galangal treats bacterial and fungal infections

Galangal rhizome extract has been the subject of clinical studies to test its effectiveness as an antibacterial agent in the treatment of intestinal bacterial infections, such as those caused by bacterial strains such as E. coli, Helicobacter pylori and Staphylococcus aureus. Bacterial infection. The most common symptoms are gastritis and abdominal pain. It has also been tested for use in treating fungal infections, such as those caused by Candida albicans, but its effectiveness is minimal or not well proven, so its use for this is not recommended without consulting your specialist. Purpose.

Galangal extracts have also been studied for treating diabetes and high cholesterol due to their possible ability to lower LDL in the blood. More scientific evidence is needed to justify its use in these situations.

In traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic practices, galangal is also used to stimulate the immune system, prevent the onset of infections, and treat rheumatism, asthma, and even tuberculosis.

How to take galangal

The rhizome of galangal is similar to ginger, but is darker, reddish-brown in color. It can be eaten fresh or dried and can be found in the following presentations:

  • Whole rhizome, fresh or dried
  • Grind and powder or grate
  • Chop the rhizome and decoct it into soup, one cup each before or after meals
  • drop liquid extract
  • tincture
  • In capsules, as a digestive and antiemetic
  • Galangal as a cooking spice

Galangal in the kitchen

It is a common spice in Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Thai cuisine. Powder, grind or crush it.

Galangal as a spice is part of certain spice blends, such as certain types of Indian curries or Raz Hanout from Morocco.

It combines perfectly with cloves, turmeric, cinnamon, pepper, star anise and ginger itself to make a spice blend for Thai or Vietnamese cuisine. It is also incorporated into tempeh, a typical Indonesian fermented soybean vegetable cake.

It is used to season vegetables, vegetable cakes, soups and rice dishes, and to make sauces and marinades.

In some Eastern European countries, such as Poland or Russia, it is used as an ingredient in traditional liqueurs (such as Russian Nastoka), but also in the production of herbal liqueurs (such as Chartreuse itself) and flavored bitters. It can be frozen.

You can find examples of dishes using galangal as a spice online:

  • Thai noodles with galangal curry
  • Spicy Thai soup with galangal
  • Thai Miang Kham Sauce with Galangal and Coconut
  • Galangal Mushroom Soup
  • Galangal Fermented Tempeh

Contraindications of galangal

Do not exceed weighted dosage. Excessive consumption of galangal may cause stomach irritation. Consult your specialist before using it to treat stomach ulcers.

Because of its stimulating effects, galangal is not recommended before bedtime, especially if you suffer from insomnia.

Author: Jordi Cebrián, journalist specializing in phytotherapy

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