Galicians over 60 years old will receive double influenza vaccine from October 16



Galicia to start immunization against coronavirus and influenza on September 25, this activity has now become seasonal and the Galician Health Service (Sergas) intends to carry it out together from now on.first About 30,000 residents of seniors and foster care centers will be immunized and, Starting from October 16, activities targeting a wide range of target groups will begin.

In addition to the double-injection administration already tested last year, one of the main novelties is The recommendation for people under 60 years old to receive the new coronavirus vaccine disappears (except for high-risk cases or pregnant women and postpartum patients). In other words, influenza and coronavirus become two diseases, and their immunization doses will be injected together as recommendations for people over 60 years old. In this sense, public health officials are eager to repeat the milestone of immunizing more than 75% of the target population, like the 76% achieved in the last campaign.

In conjunction with the dual influenza and COVID-19 campaigns, the influenza campaign itself will also be launchedis also seasonal and has its specific target population, largely coinciding with dual immunity.

One of the main innovations presented at a press conference this Friday by Health Minister Julio García Comesaña and Public Health Director Carmen Durán was Include smokers in recommended groups Get your flu dose.

and then again, Children aged 6 to 59 months will receive repeat vaccinations (under six years old) against influenza, the campaign will also start on October 16 and will be carried out in health centers for this group.

Seniors over 60 will receive coronavirus and flu vaccines at multiple locations: In residential centres, homes, vehicles (people with reduced mobility who go to vaccination centres), mass vaccination centers and health centres.

Flu, COVID-19 and Influenza campaign until December 31 It will be implemented in phases according to age groups. As Comesaña noted, the progress of the dual campaigns will also depend on the arrival of a coronavirus vaccine.

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