Galynn Brady, mother of breast cancer survivor Tom Brady

Warriors are born among warriors.

2016, Tom Brady’s mother, Garyn Brady, diagnosed with breast cancer. Galin was 72 years old at the time. He had to undergo various surgeries as well as chemotherapy and radiation treatments to overcome the disease.

“I just remember sitting in the doctor’s office and hearing him tell me, you know, ‘You have breast cancer.'”Garin recalled in an interview NFL360. At the time of diagnosis, The cancer is in its second stage.However, this is “A very fast-growing, aggressive cancer” and treatment It’s not easy at all.

As Gaelin focuses on her health, The now-retired player is preparing to compete super bowl LI, This time, without the personal support of my mother, Due to her treatment, she was unable to visit him.

Although Garin did not have the opportunity to watch a game during the regular season, He never misses his son’s games on TV. “It all came together around 10am on Thursday morning as he was undergoing chemotherapy and then Watch the football game on Sunday at 10am“, Old Tom revealed today.

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Galynn Brady, breast cancer survivor

After five months of treatment and surgery, Tom Brady’s mother successfully beat breast cancer and attended Super Bowl LI at NRG Stadium on February 5, 2017. Same, where Patriots beat Falcons (34-28).

The Patriots dedicated their win to Garlin.

Garlin Brady and her Super Bowl ring

Robert Kraft, owner of the company new england patriots, I know what this win means to Tom Brady’s mother, so, The team presented Gaylin with her own Super Bowl victory ring.

Although the recurrence rate of breast cancer is high, Galynn Brady’s latest test remains positive, ok woman go on No cancer.

“He’s doing great. I think he has scans every three months and he’s doing really well. It’s been a while since you completed treatment. We always pray and hope they come back clean. So far they’ve done that and we’ve been very lucky. “I think we’re very grateful to all the people who supported her and all the people who are doing great work in the world,” Tom said in 2018.

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