Garbage collectors in Lerdo vaccinated – El Sol de la Laguna

Roberto Carlos Calderon Gamboa, head of the Social Prevention Department, announced that on the instructions of City President Homero Martinez, workers in the garbage collection department were vaccinated against tetanus and hepatitis B (HBV )vaccine.

Under the coordination of ISSSTE, on Wednesday afternoon they went to the public service yard to vaccinate more than a hundred workers who provide garbage services, with the main aim of protecting them against tetanus and hepatitis viruses and to start the vaccination program .

“Following the directives of our President, Dr. Homero Martinez, we will administer the first doses of both vaccines to workers who are most vulnerable to the health risk of being stabbed by sharp objects,” he explained.

Within a month, individuals will receive the second dose and once the program ends, the protection period will be 10 years, the official explained.

Finally, the official commented that these actions are aimed at protecting the health of more than 120 workers who are exposed to possible accidents every day as a result of their work.

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