Gemez begins mass vaccination of his livestock herd


The Municipal Council of Gumez Tamaulipas has begun a health “cleaning” of the livestock herd, social sectors, and social sectors, working together with producers to avoid losses caused by the loss of animals.

It occurs just before winter, when livestock face greater health problems.

“Don’t vaccinate any animal,” said Mayor Lorenzo Morales Amaro, explaining that the immunizations are against 11 endemic diseases that affect cattle, sheep and goats .

This is the second year in a row that the city government has launched a mass free vaccination campaign as a health barrier against catastrophic diseases such as the well-known “pale disease” in cattle, which usually occurs during the seasonal changes of summer and winter.

It also protects against pneumonia, symptomatic coal disease, malignant edema, infectious necrotizing hepatitis, myositis, pasteurellosis, and enterotoxemia. There are eleven diseases in total.

The cleanup began in the southern area of ​​the city, in the cattle-rearing areas of Revolución Verde, San Andrés, Viento Libre, Flores Magón and Constitución del 17 ejidos.

“We are placing more emphasis on prevention,” President Morales Amaro said of the extensive vaccination program, which will reach all Ejidar in the coming days. Community.”

The Ejidal livestock association “Filósofo de Güémez” is closely collaborating in this project and its leadership estimates that more than two thousand doses of the vaccine will be administered to the livestock of its members and the entire municipality.

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