Georgina Rodriguez weighs herself on the train next to Cristiano Ronaldo | Celebrities

Georgina Rodriguez and Cristiano Ronaldo Reproduction/Instagram

Last week (18), Georgina Rodriguez delighted more than 52 million Instagram followers when she shared a clip with Cristiano Ronaldo. No video posted of our stories by an online influencer, it looks like we are doing aerobic workout together at home. The legend just has a smiley face with a red heart.


Recently, at the age of 29, he took a photo from the Internet to show off his films of Cristiano Ronaldo, 38, while playing in Saudi Arabia. Sometimes a prestigious family breaks down in the match between An-Nasr and Abha in the Saudi Arabian Championship, and I do not hide from joy on our fields.

“Orgulhosos do papai” described how she filmed little Alana Martina, 5, and her parents Mateo Ronaldo and Eva Maria, 6, who vibrated to greet Ronaldo and punctuated them with heartfelt gestures. Koruha paid for the boys at one time, while Ainda at the same time underwent initial training for the game.

Mateo Ronaldo spins a pelo pie — Photo: Reprodução/Instagram

In the trio, Cristiano and Georgina are also paired with Bella Esmeralda (from a very young age) and Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. (from the age of 13). Barriga de Alugel and Cristiano Jr., born as a result of a secret romance between them.

Georgina Rodriguez celebrated her 29th birthday with Cristiano Ronaldo and sons – Photo: Reprodução/ Instagram

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