Giambruno, comrade of Meloni, in the crosshairs of social: why

Lately the choices of look are attracting a lot of public interest in journalism and politics. Accomplice perhaps the fact that on social networks depopulate the profiles that analyze the style not only of the stars, but also of the Prime Minister Meloni, and maybe even the fact that some politicians almost prefer to talk more about the talent of the armochromist by Ell Schl rather than their own political agenda. But what happens when for once it is not the women at the center of the severi That’s probably what you’ve been asking yourself these daysndrea Giambruno, Mediaset journalist and companion of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, when he realized that in addition to the slip of denialist comments on climate change, the public had also noticed his curious haircut. The face of Tg4 he then decided to run for cover for at least one of the two figures, giving us a cut.

The cut of Giambruno

It all came about when some patrons of theeb the conduct of its segment on Network 4: Diary of the Day. It seems that the journalist’s hair sparked the hilarity of the audience from home, who did not particularly appreciate the tuft sported live, which would be very reminiscent of the iconic haircut that made famous a young Canadian singer who responds to the name ofustin All this quickly led to the birth of a series of memes about it, among those who compare the journalist to the iconic character of Antonio Albanese in Whatever, who instead is more direct and says ” Criticize Schlein’s armochromist, and then not Melons husband goes to Lego hairdresser“. Someone in the audience is even meaner and compares a photo of Giambruno to that of a Vileda mop. No one seems to love her haircut. In particular there are those who take the opportunity to bring back the topic of climate change, after the words said by the journalist last week were largely contradicted by the problems of severe bad weather these days. Some comment on TitterItter: “Tropical storms, ice tennis balls, uprooted old trees, electric pylons falling like skittles. The Mediaset newsagent with a mop in his head will tell us that everything is normal, we are in July”.

The journalist’s response to criticism

In light of the unflattering comments about his look, the host certainly did not give up, and, after probably reading the many tw, she completely changed her look, moving from a voluminous and a little cottoned tuft, to a style with cleaner lines, combing the hair back with gelatin. That it ended here? Obviously not, because social media have found his sudden change of image very funny, tornado to mock his bad releases these days, writing for example: “Today Ken style. Was it the wind? # Giambruno”. Still on Musk’s social, there are those who suggest: “With all the lacquer he uses he does not realize that he himself is the cause of climate change. It should be called Giambuco (ozone)”. In short, there really seems to be no peace for the journalist of Tg4, and for his hair.

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