Gigi Hadid Arrested at Airport for Possession of Marijuana | Vanity Fair Italy

Gigi Hadid’s summer vacation began boldly: as soon as she landed in the Cayman Islands on July 10 in a private jet, arrested at the airport international Owen Roberts along with his girlfriend Leah Nicole McCarthy.

In fact, when scanning their bags, customs officials found something suspicious: upon closer inspection, the agents found that Gigi Hadid and her girlfriend were with them. a small amount of marijuana. According to the first reconstructions, the model would have stated that the substance was for personal use, but the two women are still arrested on “suspicion of importing ganja and utensils used for its consumption” and taken to the pre-trial detention center, where they were released on bailaccording to the local paper Cayman Marl Road.

Two days later, on July 12, the model and her friend pleaded guilty during a court hearing and both were fined one thousand dollars.

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Rep. Gigi Hadid, AND! Onlineexplained that the model was “driving with legally purchased marijuana in New York with a medical license” that the substance has been “authorized for medical use in Grand Cayman since 2017” and that the powerful woman “enjoyed the rest of her time on the island” after this story. Which, on the other hand, we can see from the images that Gigi Hadid posted on her Instagram account.

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