Gisela Tunnion highlights the importance of women like Miss Nepal participating in Miss Universe

She assured that women today have no limitations in achieving their dreams, something they were missing when they were younger.

in the case of Jane Dipika Garrett, Miss Universe Nepal representative It has been one of the most talked about topics in Panama and the world.a woman “plus size” Not only did she leave a mark on the game; The top 20 players entering the finals, But it also sends a powerful message: Acceptance and evaluation Women who are above their weight or size.

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if he One of the many manifestations of women’s empowerment today The former news anchor also mentioned this last night, Gisela Tunnion, He has recounted countless times his struggles with weight and height as a young man. “Of course, many people – like me – will never have eating disorder If only we could “at least” compete in a competition like Miss Universe for “beautiful” women. Aside from the harmful aspects of fighting over “who is prettier,” this makes a big difference…” Tunion shared a photo of Miss Nepal at the Miss Universe Swimsuit Parade.

Gisela See the many similarities between Jane Garrett’s body and hers: “If I didn’t do disciplined exercise and eat absolutely healthy and clean, my body would look like this, exactly like hers; that was a big part of my youth.”

Phrases like this: “So beautiful, so fat”, “I like you, but you are fat”, “No one wants to marry a fat woman” “You don’t look good in anything you wear…because you’re fat”, “Look how good that so-and-so looks, and you? Fat”, she heard in her youth.

Gisela Not romanticizing being overweight: “Yes, maybe she does weigh more than is necessary for health, but that’s not what I’m talking about in this post; here I’m referring to her value as a woman and human being. She’s beautiful and has Cellulite and normal fall t’tas…she is beautiful and she doesn’t have to prove anything except her worth as a human being. ”

Finish It’s very clear what happened: “What an amazing opportunity for young women today, there are no limits! Winning? It’s the least important thing, this life is about living your dreams, achieving your goals and breaking barriers!” she said.

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