Giulia De Lellis launches the new Audrer brand, surrounded by an aura of mystery!

Giulia De Lellis has recently announced the launch of her new brand Audrer. The video announcing the arrival of the entrepreneurial project is hidden in mystery.

Giulia De Lellis launches the new Audrer brand, surrounded by an aura of mystery!

Julia DeLellis has recently announced on its social profiles the launch of its new brand, called Audrer. The video announcing the arrival of the brand new business project is hidden in mystery. The imagination of his audience has been ignited and the theories are numerous.

Giulia De Lellis, the new Audrer brand is coming: what it is about

Julia DeLellis she continues to confirm herself as a successful entrepreneur. She has been a make-up expert for years now, to the point of having been invited overseas as a guest of Fenty Beauty and then from the brand of Selena Gomez. With 5 million followers on Instagram, the showgirl seems ready to launch herself into the world of adults, realizing an entrepreneurial project.

In recent years the unforgettable “Giulietta” by Men and women it has also made itself known internationally. For years she has been working on her big “dream project”, as she has defined it several times. After years of clues, she decided to communicate the launch of her on her social profiles Audrerits brand new brand.

A part of me, perhaps the most important that I have been telling you for years without revealing too much. I have no breath to speak. I can only tell you that the hard work of my last (almost) 5 years will finally bear fruit and I really hope you enjoy it. Hi @audreraudrer, I’ve waited for you so long…I did it with love, I did it for you

The words of Julia DeLellis have excited his fans who, however, were baffled by the launch so mysterious. In fact, in the video of the project, no information is revealed regarding the entity of the brand, of which we know practically nothing. Despite the hermetic content of the video, fans seem to have clear ideas. The entrepreneur’s project will be related to make-up and skincare.

The influencer also shows his training in the RealTime program Call of Beautywhich he leads together with the glam artist Manuel Mameli, in which he proved that he knows how to combine his passion for beauty and that for fashion. The pink tub into which mysterious ingredients are poured that appears in the launch video would make sense if it were a make-up brand. The name of the project recalls that of the actress Audrey Hepburn. The inspiration from the glamorous icon, however, could also suggest a fashion brand.

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