Grandma’s tips for cooking lentils

Grandma’s tips for cooking lentilsShutterstock

Lentils, like many other dishes (especially stews), can be prepared a thousand ways. Some people add more water, some less, some like the lentils more whole, while others like them to dissolve in the broth and become very thick… Know the exact point of eating the food so that it ” Behave like we want them to. Cook them, Experience is important. The most natural way to know how long you should keep them on the fire, at what temperature, covered or not… is simple trial and error. so… Why not take advantage of everyone who has made a lot of mistakes until you know what works? Here’s a rundown of common mistakes and tips so your stew turns out exactly the way you want.

follow recipe

Recipes usually work. If someone writes them down and passes them on to others, there is a reason. It’s okay to try some minor changes or use spices to add your own style to the dish, but if this is your third time eating lentil sticks… maybe you should try to deviate less from the recipe your grandmother passed down to you..

Don’t turn up the heat just to finish sooner

This is a very typical mistake, although it is quite logical. The assumption that if you increase the temperature at which you cook dishes they will be ready faster is an idea that anyone with some stovetop experience knows to be true. this will not work. In many situations, things take time, and the kitchen is one of the most obvious examples. There is an optimal temperature for proper cooking of food, and speeding up the cooking process usually only works to the detriment of the cook.

If you’re not sure about your multitasking abilities, don’t do it.

Being efficient in the kitchen is a good trait. Being able to prepare the next ingredient or clean a pot that has already been used makes the entire process from the moment we start cooking until we put everything away faster. But if you’re not sure whether your main task (cooking) is under control, Do not do anything else during this period. If the lentils stick to the bottom of the pan while you’re scrubbing your cutting board, you’ll regret it for a long time.

Should it be removed?

In many recipes, including lentils, you have to do more to follow the recipe than simply pour everything into the pot, put the lid on, and thirty minutes later open the lid again and finish the dish. Consider whether it needs to be removed. Every once in a while, or easily enough, you open the pot and you find a clump of lentils stuck to the bottom.

Use wooden or silicone utensils

While that metal spoon you bought can be used for just about anything, the truth is It’s a bad idea to use utensils that might scratch the pot.. If this happens, everything will stick together more easily. If you don’t like the idea of ​​working with wood for some reason, buy silicone tools to use, but preferably not metal.

How much water do I put in?

This is one of those million-dollar questions where the first answer won’t satisfy you: It depends. Proportions may vary Depends a little on your heat and pot, but the most important change is from a traditional pot to a pressure cooker. In the first case, it is appropriate to use five cups of water per cup of lentils, while in the second, much less: three cups of water per cup.

I drink too much water…how do I fix it?

It’s not ideal, but if you have no other solution, take a few spoonfuls of lentils and mash them up. Then add them back into the stew and stir until they are fully incorporated. This way you can solve the problem of excess liquid.

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