Gulf and Islamic condemnation of the “Israeli occupation” targeting Qatar’s headquarters in Gaza

Gulf and Islamic countries and organizations condemned, on Monday, in the strongest terms, the blatant attack by Israeli occupation forces on the headquarters of the Qatar Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza in occupied Palestine, usually as an extension of a series of Israeli violations. of all international laws and standards.

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed, in a statement, the Kingdom’s solidarity and position towards the State of Qatar against this blatant attack, reiterating its request for speed and the need for the international community to assume its responsibilities, placing immediately put an end to the violations committed by the Israeli occupation authorities and hold them accountable, in accordance with international humanitarian law, for the crimes committed against them. Civilians, hospitals and vital facilities in the besieged Gaza Strip.

For his part, Jassem Al-Budaiwi, Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, said that this bombing is further evidence of the brutality and recklessness of the occupation forces and their continued violation of treaties, laws and international norms, indicating that the Israeli military The military machine, by targeting the committee headquarters, hospitals, schools, population centers and shelters, confirms its indifference towards the lives of civilians, innocent civilians and by targeting them directly.

He praised the clear role of the Qatar Committee and its significant contribution to the reconstruction operations of the Gaza Strip, stressing that targeting it demonstrates the occupation forces’ intention to destroy the Gaza Strip’s infrastructure and institutions based on it it, and underlining the need for the international community to move with all its countries and institutions to intervene directly to end the crisis, establish an immediate ceasefire and open corridors to urgently ensure that relief and aid humanitarians enter the Gaza Strip.

Al-Budaiwi said that the GCC countries stand with the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate rights to establish their own state on the 1967 lands, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

For its part, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation considers the bombings part of the ongoing aggression by the military occupation forces against Palestinian civilians and civilian targets in the Gaza Strip, including hospitals, schools, universities, places of worship and buildings residential, in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law.

The organization renewed its call on the international community to intervene and force Israel – the occupier – to respect international humanitarian law and relevant United Nations resolutions, the most recent of which was the resolution issued by the General Assembly on October 26, calling for the protection of civilians and civilian property and the protection of workers In the field of providing humanitarian assistance, facilities and goods for humanitarian purposes and providing immediate, safe, sustainable and unhindered access to humanitarian aid in Gaza .

For its part, Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered this attack an extension of the occupation’s approach to targeting civilians and civilian objects, which also included hospitals, schools, population centers and shelters for displaced people, stressing that the bombing is also an extension of the policy of targeting human beings, “especially since this committee has worked through its projects to increase the suffering of the population in the Gaza Strip due to the long siege and continuous aggression.

Qatar’s Foreign Ministry stressed the need for the international community to urgently move to hold Israel accountable for its repeated crimes against civilians and civilian objects and to compel it to respect international laws, calling on the Israeli occupation to stop providing flimsy justifications for targeting civilian objects, medical and civilian facilities and using misleading information, underlining that this cannot be accepted, without any justification.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait stated that the heinous act carried out by the occupation forces against the Qatar Reconstruction Committee perpetuates the hostilities committed against the brotherly Palestinian people, regardless of international law, international humanitarian law and international requests for a ceasefire, reiterating Kuwait’s request to the Security Council. The international community must assume its responsibilities and put an end to these Israeli violations carried out with justifications and lies exposed to the world, underlining its support and support for all efforts leading to the restoration of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people with every means, in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

In the same context, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Oman confirmed that this attack constitutes a new and clear violation of international law and the continuation of Israel’s brutal aggression against the Palestinian people and its blatant disregard for human feelings and humanitarian law international, noting that it requires the international community to adopt mandatory legal and deterrent measures in order to implement the international will to cease fire, protect civilians and provide relief to the residents of the Gaza Strip with all their humanitarian needs, including fuel, water , food and medicine, as well as reconstruction and construction.

In turn, the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that the immediate priority is to preserve the lives of civilians and ensure that humanitarian, relief and medical aid reaches civilians in the Strip safely, urgently, sustainably and without obstacles, underlining the need for an immediate ceasefire to prevent bloodshed and the importance that civilians and civilian institutions enjoy peace, full protection under international law and international treaties and should not be targets of conflicts.

The UAE called on the international community to make every effort to avoid further inflaming the situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, to continue all efforts made to achieve a comprehensive and just peace, and to prevent the region from being dragged into new levels of violence, tension and instability.

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