guts hematte Retro-Irony – or Alterren-Fantasy?

Klatschpresse von Los Angeles hatte bereits die (seinerzeit streng abgeschirmten) Dreharbeiten zum neuen Video der Rolling Stones auf dem Schirm.

Apart from the leaks, more details can be found in the clip, based on the chic image of American shawspieler Sydney Sweeney (Euphoria) from the wide release.

Mit der Veröffentlichung des Song “Angry” on social networks after all.

Offenbar hats Styling-Team der Stones a Faible for the 1980s on the US West Coast. The 25-year-old actress wears black Versace ledercorsets and sexy Rodeo-Szene (“Chaps”) lederhosen.

Sweeney Rausht in a rotten convertible on Sunset Boulevard; über die berühmten Hollywood-Mega-Billbaords flimmern im Vorder- und Hintergrund Archivaufnahmen aus der Vita der Londoner Legenden.

These stars can be found online on YouTube.

When you interact with social media or these gifts, communicate with your interests.

The fashionista registered for the Darstellerin competition from the White Lotus series with a high bustier with a crop top, worn in the wind by Motorhaube des Wagens or Luftgitarre spielt.

Romantic British Boulevardpresse spricht von einem “Rock star girl ensemble”; with fingerless hands and clobigen, silver halskette necklace.

It’s a beautiful story, but it’s grossly retro irony. Oder Alterren-Fantasy.

Sweeney showed a short Insta-Clip of fans dying with the band’s fans.

These stars can be found on Instagram

When you interact with social media or these gifts, communicate with your interests.

Here’s the comment: “Sydney + The Rolling Stones = PERFECTION.” Once again I will be happy to joke: “Fall Iconish. The Rolling Stones don’t do anything either.”

The song “Angry” is a single from the album Hackney Diamonds, which was released in 2005 by Langrille.

At Sweeney’s press conference in the “Protocol” it is said that this is a “shocking war”, even Anfrage der Rolling Stones über ihre Agentur reinkam, ob sie nicht in einem Musikvideo mitwirken wolle.

Sweeney’s hat bereits eine gewisse Schockrocker-Erfahrung. You can watch them on Musikclips für Machine Gun Kelly via; and you gotta like Halsey.

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