Hands off the house: petition against the Green House directive

The collection of signatures has begun, organized by MEP Alessandro Panza to submit a petition to the European Parliament.

“Hands off Home” is the name of the campaign launched by Lega MEP Alessandro Panza to block the European Energy Performance in Buildings Directive (EPBD: Energy Performance in Buildings Directive).

“Europe has decided to run blindfolded towards climate neutrality,” said the MEP. – From 1990 to 2020, the European Union’s CO2 emissions have been reduced by about 20%, now we want to triple the result in just under a third of the available time. “.

Reasons against Directive

Motivating his objections to the European Directive, MEP Panza stated:

“If we consider that 70.8% of Italian families own the house they live in, the so-called Green House directive risks turning into a wealth tax that will hit, in particular, less wealthy families, forcing them into debt. . to support their event costs, or alternatively suffer a depreciation of the fruits of their savings. Its entry into force will, in effect, trigger an immediate devaluation of properties with lower energy performance, calculated up to 40% of the value of the property.”

According to a study by Istat-Enea, there are about 12.5 million buildings in Italy and 61% of them belong to the last two energy classes: class F: 3,157,942 buildings = 25.3% / class G: 4,464,582 = buildings = 35.7%; therefore do not comply with the law. Numbers that Panza says

“They highlight the physical inappropriateness of the intervention within the time frame set by the European Commission. Without taking into account that, according to the National Association of Builders, it is currently impossible to meet the deadlines set by the EU for the renovation of buildings, even just because of the lack of personnel and materials in the construction industry.”

Finally, Pansa emphasizes

“The directive talks about financial incentives, but neither the amount nor where they will be found, and it is likely that the Commission intends to acquire new resources of its own, which will result in new taxes that citizens will pay for this project.”

Petition “Hands off the house”

The petition, launched by an MEP and open to anyone who wants to sign it, asks the European Parliament:

“The Energy Efficiency of Buildings Directive, the so-called Green House, only applies to new buildings and has been suspended for existing buildings in order to preserve the unique characteristics of Italian real estate heritage and offer the country more flexibility to pursue energy saving goals in a way that it suited the specific housing characteristics of the area.”

In addition, the petition asks that the “Green House” come into force only after determining the resources available to citizens and indicating the sources of funding.

“I appeal to all citizens to have their voices heard against what is real European madness. The need to improve one’s home does not automatically match the economic ability to do so, and this law imposes significant and unexpected costs in a short time for many citizens during an ongoing period of economic crisis. Everyone can make their voice heard by adding their signature to contribute and support this battle, giving strength to these cases in which I will be the representative of the European Parliament,” concludes Pansa. .

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