Harry and Megan, Lady Gaga, Tom Cruise: how much do VIPs spend on security

The life of famous people is not only luxury, ease and benefit. There is also the inconvenience associated with the constant exposure and painful attention of criminals. For this reason, VIPs, especially American ones, are willing to spend insane amounts of money just to guarantee themselves an adequate security service. Numbers even up to six zeros provide the best personal bodyguards and modern alarm systems to ensure their safety.

Beyoncé and Jay-Z

The golden couple of the American music scene is by far the one that spends the most on their own safety. In 2012, the year Blue Ivy Carter’s first child was born, Jay-Z hired new bodyguards, spending four millions dollars to ensure maximum safety for your family. With the arrival of twins Rumi and Sir, born in 2017, that figure has doubled to almost $9 million. But the American press reports that personal security costs will skyrocket during periods tours BeyoncĂ© and Jay-Z, who even pay (for months) 500 bodyguards and security personnel just to feel protected.

Harry and Megan

Astronomical numbers also for the Sussexes, who seem to be so obsessed with security that Harry even sued the British government to get his escort back when he returns to visit The Royal Family. According to US media, Harry and Meghan are paying $7.8 million for their personal bodyguards. Bodyguards (two for each family member) and security personnel vigilance outside Villa Montecito – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – as well as sophisticated video surveillance systems are just some of the costs associated with security. Excluding additional costs in case of unscheduled business trips and business trips abroad requiring additional staff and funds.

Kim Kardashian

Seven million dollars a year is what Kim Kardashian spends on defense. The celebrity has doubled her annual security spending since the brutal attack. robbery in a Parisian apartment a few years ago, and today she does not want to relive this nightmare. “She is willing to pay whatever it takes to feel safe. Kim believes that this is the best money she has ever spent in her life.“, reports Naughtygossip.com, exclusively revealing how much Kim Kardashian pays for safety. Four guards outside his villa every day 24/7 and the same number of bodyguards next to him when he is outside, not counting the alarm systems.

Tom Cruise

Among the famous people who spend the most on security is certainly Tom Cruise, who single-handedly spends $2.6 million on security. bodyguards (two to three depending on public engagements and location) follow him 24 hours a day – even at dinner, as evidenced by some photos of his recent trip to Italy – and in the last year the actor even had to increase his personal escort due to threats murder.

Johnny Depp

Bodyguards on the road and at home and high-tech security systems in your home. Even Johnny Depp spares no expense when it comes to him safety, paying over $2 million a year for security. Money well spent, judging by the service rendered by one of his bodyguards, Travis McGivern, who testified on his behalf in a court case in which the actor confronted his ex-wife Amber Heard.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga also spends two million dollars a year on the fact that after the kidnapping of her loved ones dogs Last year, he decided to increase the protection of himself and his animals. In addition to a trusted bodyguard who follows her around, the pop star pays monthly security guards to keep an eye on her Los Angeles mansion and additional security personnel while on tour. Everything you need to feel safe.

Angelina Jolie

Among the VIPs who spend the most on their own security is Angelina Jolie. Although the actress is less popular on the movie stage and more active in society, Brad Pitt’s ex-wife does not skimp on security. To ensure the protection of his six children she is willing to spend more than two million dollars a year on security systems, surveillance outside her home, and personal bodyguards who follow her at every opportunity.

David and Victoria Beckham

After the robbery, they suffered in March 2022 – while they were at their villa in the very center London – David and Victoria Beckham decided to beef up their security by hiring new security personnel, personal bodyguards and installing new alarm systems. All this at an annual cost of about a million pounds. The Beckhams even applied to the West Oxfordshire District Council for permission to tighten security measures even outside their home.

Harry Styles

The British singer shells out a million pounds on bodyguards and special security systems to avoid nasty episodes like the one he filmed two years ago. After his house was broken into, Harry Styles was even followed. threatened with a knife, and this convinced him to change his personal bodyguards (assuming Mick Jagger) and pay for an additional escort group.

Justin and Hailey Bieber

The pop star and model cannot move without their bodyguards. According to American tabloids, Justin Bieber and his wife Hailey spend a million dollars a year just to pay the team bodyguard. However, even the couple’s villa and the vehicles they use to get around will be equipped with advanced security and geolocation systems to make them feel safe.

Madonna, Rihanna and others

Stars of the caliber of Madonna and Rihanna spend much smaller, but still important amounts. The two singers pay $500,000 a year to maintain proper security. The same figure for Jennifer Lopezwho entrusts his safety and the safety of his children to the Force Protection Agency, which employs ex-cops or ex-military as bodyguards, spending about $42,000 a month. Finally, there is Jennifer Aniston: Rumor has it that the actress spends 20 thousand dollars a month on her personal escort, consisting of the most reliable bodyguards in charge of the security of her home.

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