Harry and Meghan in despair: now they can no longer live like this

Harry and Megan

Harry and Meghan – NewsCinema.it

For Harry and Meghan, the situation is becoming more and more difficult: away from the royal family and in isolation from Hollywood.

Despite the silence that hovers over the house Harry and Megan in Montecito, in the USA, they continue to talk about the Dukes of Sussex and there are many hypotheses of the English tabloids and the press from around the world about the possible further steps of the former royal couple.

Harry and Meghan had, in fact, decided to leave London and Buckingham Palace several years ago as they could no longer tolerate interference from the royal family and the British press in their private lives, and dreamed of a place where they could raise their children in a family. world Archie AND Lilibet Diana.

For this reason, the couple decided to leave England and move to the United States, Megan’s home country to live like a normal family. Although the couple have moved miles between them and England, they are all talked about at home and there are many rumors that have been chasing each other even in the last period regarding the future of the Dukes of Sussex.

If indeed, for some royal watchers, Harry and Meghan would be ready divorceFor others the couple would be ready to change their last namehaving moved from Windsor to Spencer to feel closer to the late Lady Diana, Harry and William’s mother.

How is the life of Harry and Meghan in the USA

In the United States, Harry and Meghan have planned a new life that, free from royal obligations, will allow them to devote themselves to the passions and dreams they have been cultivating for some time. For this reason they gave a podcast archetypesthey did documentary series on Netflix in which they told their version of events regarding the separation from the English monarchy and Harry also wrote a long autobiography in which he recounted his life from Diana’s disappearance to the present day.

However, things are not going well for them: the popularity of the Dukes of Sussex is falling, and while Meghan dreams of returning to Hollywood, the world with her family risks becoming an increasingly difficult dream for Harry.

Megan and Harry

Meghan and Harry – NewsCinema.it

Megan and Harry isolated from everyone: no one needs them anymore

If at first curiosity about Harry and Megan it’s been a lot, now coverage of the most talked about royal couple ever is in danger of dying out, and the blame once again appears to be with the royal family.

without jeopardizing relationships with William and Kate and with King CharlesIn fact, many leading figures in the United States and Hollywood prefer to stay away from them, in favor of the more peaceful and moderate couple, consisting of the Princes of Wales. An example of their isolation is the solution Joe Biden, which after the funeral of Queen Elizabeth refused to take Harry back to the United Statesso as not to annoy William and Kate.

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